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[emacs-wiki-discuss] New version of planner-trunk.el

From: Keith Amidon
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] New version of planner-trunk.el
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 13:43:19 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.090018 (Oort Gnus v0.18) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

After trying out Dryice's really nice planner-trunk.el and finding
that the way it groups tasks by regexp matches on the plan page(s)
associated with the task fit the way I was using planner very nicely,
I had a bunch of ideas for ways I would like to extended it to make it
work even better.  We collaborated a bit and produced the attached
version.  The main changes in this version are:

   - Planner-trunk can now optionally create trunks on plan pages as
     well as on day pages.
   - Planner-trunk can now optionally insert outline-mode headings at
     the beginning of some, or all, trunks (groups of tasks)
   - Planner-trunk can now optionally trunk "completed tasks" (with
     status 'X' or 'C') after "not-completed" tasks, in their own
     outline subsection.

To support all this, the format of the planner-trunk-rule-list
variable has been changed.  To upgrade from your existing
planner-trunk-rule-list, insert the value of your current rule-list as
specified in this template:

(setq planner-trunk-rule-list
      `((,planner-date-regexp nil
         <put old list here>)))

This will result in the same behavior you had before.  To learn how to
use the new features, read the docstring for planner-trunk-rule-list.

You can also retrieve up-to-date versions of planner-trunk.el and lots
of other interesting stuff Dryice is working on from his arch
repository at:

Location: http://dryice.3322.org/arch/
Archive name: address@hidden
Branch: planner--dev--1.0

      -- Keith

Attachment: planner-trunk.el
Description: planner-trunk.el

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