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Re: EmacsConf 2024: Draft call for participation (maybe June 26?), lesso

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: Re: EmacsConf 2024: Draft call for participation (maybe June 26?), lessons learned from previous years
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:07:46 -0400

Jean-Christophe Helary <jean.christophe.helary@traduction-libre.org>

Hello, JC, all!

>> - https://emacsconf.org/2024/
> My dictionary insists on using "time zone" in two words.

Okay, updated in the 2024 pages. I updated the Lisp too, so that should
go into the mail templates and stuff.

>> - https://emacsconf.org/2024/cfp/
>> - https://emacsconf.org/2024/submit/
>> - https://emacsconf.org/ideas/
> ok.


>> - https://emacsconf.org/volunteer/
> "The captions for this conference have has an impressive amount of work put 
> into them"
> have had ?

Ooh, fixed.

>> I've copied some lessons learned so far into the general organizers'
>> notebook ( 
>> https://emacsconf.org/organizers-notebook/#draft-cfp-lessons-learned ).
> I know it’s an internal document but: West coast → West Coast ?

Changed it to Pacific time, which is probably slightly more

>> Let's see if we can get timezones this time around... <laugh> Is there
>> anything else we want to try this year to make the conference easier or
>> more fun?
> Nothing that comes to mind right now.

When it's time to send out the speaker instructions, let's see if we can
figure out the magic wording to get everyone to pick a large font size. ;)


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