Require("levels/ant.lua") -- !!BBE105!! Do not delete this line function file_oxyd(x,y,f) oxyd_default_flavor=f oxyd(x,y) end levelh=25 levelw=58 enigma.FlatForce=30 enigma.SlopeForce=30 enigma.ElectricForce=30 cells={} items={} actors={} stones={} actors[" "]=cell{} stones[" "]=cell{} cells[" "]=cell{} items[" "]=cell{} cells["!"]=cell{floor="fl-abyss"} stones["!"]=cell{parent={{file_oxyd,"d"}}} cells["#"]=cell{floor="fl-normal"} stones["#"]=cell{stone="st-invisible"} cells["$"]=cell{floor="fl-rough-blue"} items["!"]=cell{item="it-document"} cells["%"]=cell{floor="fl-wood"} cells["&"]=cell{floor="fl-ice_001"} function ac_blackball(x,y) n="" p=0 f=0 if (x==9) and (y==6) then -- 9, 6 n="ac9x6" p=0 mf=1,66666666666667 end set_actor("ac-blackball",x+0.5,y+0.5,{player=p,name=n,mouseforce=mf}) end actors["!"]=cell{parent={{ac_blackball}}} items["#"]=cell{item="it-magnet"} items["$"]=cell{item="it-extralife"} stones["$"]=cell{stone="st-brownie"} cells["'"]=cell{floor="fl-leaves"} items["%"]=cell{item="it-vstrip"} stones["%"]=cell{stone="st-brick"} stones["&"]=cell{stone="st-likeoxydd"} cells["("]=cell{floor="fl-brick"} stones["'"]=cell{stone="st-switch"} cells[")"]=cell{floor="fl-stwood"} items["&"]=cell{item="it-wormhole"} stones["("]=cell{stone="st-grate1"} function ac_rotor(x,y) n="" r=0 f=0 init=false if (x==29) and (y==6) then n="ac29x6" r=7 f=20 end set_actor("ac-rotor",x+0.5,y+0.5,{range=r,force=f,name=n,gohome=false}) end actors["#"]=cell{parent={{ac_rotor}}} items["'"]=cell{item="it-pin"} stones[")"]=cell{stone="st-door-v"} stones["*"]=cell{stone="st-rock1"} cells["*"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesc1"} cells["+"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesc2"} cells[","]=cell{floor="fl-leavesd1"} stones["+"]=cell{stone="st-door-h"} cells["-"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesb"} items["("]=cell{item="it-spring1"} stones[","]=cell{stone="st-rock2"} stones["-"]=cell{stone="st-shogun-s"} items[")"]=cell{item="it-trigger"} cells["."]=cell{floor="fl-leavesc3"} cells["/"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesc4"} items["*"]=cell{item="it-flagblack"} items["+"]=cell{item="it-shogun-s"} stones["."]=cell{stone="st-rock1_move"} cells["0"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesd3"} stones["/"]=cell{stone="st-stoneimpulse"} cells["1"]=cell{floor="fl-leavesd2"} level={"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('#''''''''''''''''#'", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('*''.-----'-*'''.-''", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('''''--'''.-'''''1-'", "!!!!!!!#######!!!!!!((((((((((((((((((''''''-'''/-+'''''.'", "!!!!!!!#$$$$$#!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('+''/'-'''-'.0''''''", "!!!!!!!#$$$$$#######((((((((!!!(((((((''''---+'/-+'-''''''", "!!!!!!!#$$$$$$$$$$$$((((((((!!!(((((((''''''--------''''''", "!!!!!!!#$$$$$#######((((((((!!!(((((((''''''-*'.-*'-+'''/'", "!!!!!!!#$$$$$#!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('''''/-+''-'!'----''", "!!!!!!!#######!!!!!!((((((((((((((((((',---------'''-'''-'", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('-'*.'-'''*'''''.--'", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('-'+/-----+'''''/'-'", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((('#''''''''''''''''''", "!#####!#####!#####!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&###!#!#!!#!#!!#!####", "!#$$$#!#%%%#!#'''#!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&###!###!!###!!###!##", "!#$$$#!#%%%#!#'''#!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&###!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##", "!#$$$#!#%%%#!#'''#!#&&&&&&&#####&&&&&&###!###!!###!!###!!#", "!#####!#####!#####!#&&&&&&&#$$$#&&&&&&#!!!###!!###!!###!!#", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#&&&&&&&#$$$#&&&&&&#!!!###!!###!!###!##", "!#####!#####!#####!#&&&&&&&#$$$#&&&&&&##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##", "!#$$$#!#&&&#!#!!!#!#&&&&&&&#####&&&&&&##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##", "!#$$$#!#&&&#!#!!!#!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&####!!####!!####!###", "!#$$$#!#&&&#!#!!!#!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###", "!#####!#####!#####!#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&####!!####!!####!###", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#######################################"} acmap={" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ! # ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} itmap={" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " + + ", " $ ! ! !* ", " ! + + ", " ", " ", " ", " ) ", " ! ", " ", " ", " # $ ! ", " ! ( ", " $ ", " ", " ", " % ' ", " ! $ % ", " % ", " ! ! ", " "} stmap={" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%********************", " % * ( * *** **", " % * * * - *", " % * ** * *+* *(*** /", " % ((((( * - * *!* * /", " %%%% ( ( %%!**** * * ** *", " ( ( * * *", " %%%% ( ( %%!****(* * . * *", " % ((((( * * *!* ( **", " % *+**-* ( *** **- *", " % *+* *(*** ( *", " % *+* * *", " &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,///*", " && # !& , ' ' ' ,", " &### # # # ### ####& , ,", "! & # # # # # # & , ,", " && # ### # # # # #&& , ! ,", " $$$$$ &# # # # # # & ,", " ############ &# ##### # # ### # & ! ,", " # &# # # ### # & , ,", " ### && # # # ####&& ,, ,", "! # & # # # # & ,", " # # &### # ###### # ###&,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,", " # &! ))) ,", " &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',"} create_world_by_map(level) draw_map(0,0,stmap,stones) draw_map(0,0,itmap,items) draw_map(0,0,acmap,actors) doorv(19, 6, {name="door0"}) doorv(35, 6, {name="door1"}) doorv(36, 6, {name="door2"}) doorv(37, 6, {name="door3"}) doorv(38, 6, {name="door4"}) doorh(39, 12, {name="door5"}) doorv(38, 23, {name="door6"}) set_stone("st-coinslot", 20, 1, {action="openclose", target="door1"}) set_stone("st-coinslot", 20, 11, {action="openclose", target="door2"}) set_stone("st-coinslot", 37, 1, {action="openclose", target="door3"}) Signal ("st(37 1)","st(37 6)") set_stone("st-coinslot", 37, 11, {action="openclose", target="door4"}) set_item("it-trigger", 18, 6, {action="open", target="door0"}) set_item("it-trigger", 21, 6, {action="close", target="door0"}) set_item("it-trigger", 40, 6, {action="close", target="door4"}, {action="callback", target="callback1"}) set_item("it-trigger", 39, 14, {action="close", target="door5"}) set_item("it-trigger", 36, 23, {action="close", target="door6"}) set_item("it-coin2", 25, 3) set_item("it-coin2", 32, 4) set_item("it-coin2", 29, 8) set_item("it-coin2", 34, 7) set_item("it-vortex-open", 29, 18, {targetx = 3.5, targety = 15.5, name="vortex0"}) set_item("it-vortex-closed", 3, 15, {targetx = 29.5, targety = 18.5, name="vortex1"}) SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(0,15),"color","6") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(0,21),"color","6") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(3,21),"text","All right, we'll call it a draw... ;-)") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(4,16),"text","This can't be ! No mortal can reach our Holy Oxyds ! Prove yourself once more ! Fwahahaha !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(9,15),"force",10) SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(10,7),"text","Beware, stranger ! The ancient gods of Enigma have set many traps to protect their holy Oxyds ! You will have to get through the Four Tests to prove your worth !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(20,23),"color","0") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(22,6),"text","Prove your speed in the Test of Fire !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(35,23),"text","Prove your patience in the Test of Water !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(37,5),"color","1") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(37,7),"color","1") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(38,6),"text","You have proven your worth ! The ancients grant you a FLAG !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(37,13),"color","0") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(38,23),"text","You have proven your worth ! The ancients grant you a NAIL !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(39,12),"text","You have proven your worth ! The ancients grant you a SPRING !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(39,15),"text","Prove your dexterity in the Test of Air !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetItem(41,6),"text","Prove your intelligence in the Test of Earth !") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(42,16),"color","3") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(46,4),"color","2") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(50,8),"color","2") SetAttrib(enigma.GetStone(54,18),"color","3") Signal ("it(39 12)","st(39 12)") Signal ("it(47 5)","st(39 9)") Signal ("it(49 5)","st(39 10)") Signal ("it(49 7)","st(39 11)") Signal ("it(47 7)","st(39 12)") Signal ("it(41 11)","st(46 3)") Signal ("st(43 13)","st(41 23)") Signal ("st(48 13)","st(40 23)") Signal ("st(53 13)","st(39 23)") Signal ("st(56 24)","st(38 23)") function callback1() set_stone(st_brick, 37, 6) end