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[ESPResSo] [ESPResSo-devel] Re: request for the development version

From: g9611559
Subject: [ESPResSo] [ESPResSo-devel] Re: request for the development version
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 14:40:42 +0800

Hi Shih-ju,

we have just released a new ESPResSo version 2.1.0 on

which has the Lattice-Boltzmann feature included.
Feel free to download it from there.

Please note, that the LB feature is still experimental
and hardly documented (there is an example in testsuite/lb.tcl).
We currently cannot provide any further support for this module.
Documentation of LB will be available in some future release of

Kind regards,

address@hidden wrote:
> Hello,
> I am studying polyelectrolytes (PEs) condensations with Espresso. I know how 
> to simulate PEs without hydrodynamic interaction. Now I want to include the 
> interaction in my PEs systems which need the Lattice-Boltzmann feature. Could 
> you please have me get access to the CVS server to get the development 
> version.
> Thank you for your kindness.
> Best regards,
> Shih-ju
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