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Re: [Fencepost-users] [gnu.org #725721] Re: GNU/FSF servers are moving

From: Ward Vandewege via RT
Subject: Re: [Fencepost-users] [gnu.org #725721] Re: GNU/FSF servers are moving
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:31:31 -0500

Hi Thomas,

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 05:37:40AM -0500, Thomas Schwinge via RT wrote:
> Any news here?

Yes - I figured out what happened here. I used an incorrect flag on the
last-pass rsync for the fencepost data: I used -C, which is 'auto-ignore
files in the same way CVS does'. So, there is a window of a few days where
some files with very specific names were not copied. Your log folder has some
files in it with names that match the pattern (see man rsync for the
details). Sorry about this...

On Monday evening, I copied all files that existed on the old fencepost and
not on the new fencepost and were erroneously excluded from the faulty rsync
run to the new fencepost. There were not that many.

I've put a tarball of your 'log' folder from the old fencepost in


Ward Vandewege | CTO, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 25F774AB | http://identi.ca/cure | http://fsf.org/blogs/RSS

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