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[Flexisip-developers] getPreferredIp() getaddrinfo() error while resolvi

From: ??????
Subject: [Flexisip-developers] getPreferredIp() getaddrinfo() error while resolving 'sip.iware.cc': Name or service not known
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:31:33 +0800

address@hidden ~]# journalctl -u flexisip -f -a -l
-- Logs begin at Sat 2018-06-09 21:55:32 EDT. --
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Flexisip proxy server...
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain flexisip[23133]: Writing logs in : /var/opt/belledonne-communications/log/flexisip/FlexisipLogs_proxy.log
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain flexisip[23133]: [LAUNCHER] Watchdog PID: 23135
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: Starting flexisip proxy-server version 1.0.12 (git 1.0.12-406-g2bbfd65)
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: Could not create outgoing transaction
Jun 15 10:07:19 host.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Flexisip proxy server.
Jun 15 10:10:47 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: getPreferredIp() getaddrinfo() error while resolving 'sip.iware.cc': Name or service not known
Jun 15 10:13:12 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: Tport is null, can't check the packet count rate
Jun 15 10:13:22 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: getPreferredIp() getaddrinfo() error while resolving 'sip.iware.cc': Name or service not known
Jun 15 10:23:59 host.localdomain flexisip[23136]: getPreferredIp() getaddrinfo() error while resolving 'sip.iware.cc': Name or service not known

the attachment and following are configure files
address@hidden flexisip]# vi /etc/default/flexisip
flexisip_OPTIONS="--configfile /etc/flexisip/flexisip_mini.conf"


Attachment: domain-registrations.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: users.db.txt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: flexisip.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: flexisip_mini.conf
Description: Binary data

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