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[Flexisip-developers] Why is the Linphone SIP server port set to 5228 an

From: Omar, Alex
Subject: [Flexisip-developers] Why is the Linphone SIP server port set to 5228 and not 5060?
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 19:55:35 +0000

Hi All,


I am working on a video conferencing tool using the Liblinphone libraries. I am configuring the Liblinphone library to use port 5060 when making calls, as per the SIP RFC, but this is somehow being changed to 5228 when I connect to sip.linphone.org. When connecting to internal SIP servers my tool uses port 5060. My tool can still communicate fine with the Linphone server. I am just trying to understand why this is happening.


Is there a place in the Liblinphone libraries that is causing the port to be set to 5228 when communicating with the Linphone server? I did some grepping through the codebase but couldn’t find anything. Also, is there a reason the Linphone SIP server is being configured to use port 5228 instead of 5060?


I’ve attached a wireshark capture of the traffic when connecting to the Linphone SIP server. It’s also visible here https://i.imgur.com/O4Srko8.png





Attachment: odd ports.PNG
Description: odd ports.PNG

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