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Re: [Flexisip-developers] Why is the Linphone SIP server port set to 522

From: Sylvain Berfini
Subject: Re: [Flexisip-developers] Why is the Linphone SIP server port set to 5228 and not 5060?
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 12:04:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1


Yes sip.linphone.org is listening to port 5228 among others. This is to maximize chances a client will be able to connect no matter the network it's connected to, because some will block port 5060 to prevent users from doing VoIP.

Port 5228 is used by apple for push notifications, it is less likely to being blocked by network administrators. We also use port 5223 (android push notifications).

In liblinphone, it's the DNS SRV request that will return the port 5228 / 5223 (if TLS).


Le 07/08/2018 à 21:55, Omar, Alex a écrit :

Hi All,


I am working on a video conferencing tool using the Liblinphone libraries. I am configuring the Liblinphone library to use port 5060 when making calls, as per the SIP RFC, but this is somehow being changed to 5228 when I connect to sip.linphone.org. When connecting to internal SIP servers my tool uses port 5060. My tool can still communicate fine with the Linphone server. I am just trying to understand why this is happening.


Is there a place in the Liblinphone libraries that is causing the port to be set to 5228 when communicating with the Linphone server? I did some grepping through the codebase but couldn’t find anything. Also, is there a reason the Linphone SIP server is being configured to use port 5228 instead of 5060?


I’ve attached a wireshark capture of the traffic when connecting to the Linphone SIP server. It’s also visible here https://i.imgur.com/O4Srko8.png





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