Hello Everyone
I am trying to have push notification using flexisip_pusher and configure the server like below documents
https://wiki.linphone.org/xwiki/wiki/public/view/Flexisip/Configuration/Push%20notifications/Here on registered request for Ext I am having pn-provider=apns;pn-param=ABCD1234.<bundle-id>.voip;pn-prid=4beeed726fe37ae00cc90c3e9f1f52214603cbfe7ec96af503b5166dcdf7ca88:voip in contact header.
But it is not working, getting below error on manual push.
root@flexisip:/opt/belledonne-communications/bin# ./flexisip_pusher --pn-provider apns --pn-param ABCD1234.<bundle-id>.voip --pn-prid 4beeed726fe37ae00cc90c3e9f1f52214603cbfe7ec96af503b5166dcdf7ca88:voip --apple-push-type PushKit --debug
Writing logs in : /var/opt/belledonne-communications/log/flexisip/flexisip-pusher.log
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): pn-param does not define required service: remote
while in syslog i am getting
Jul 25 08:14:50 flexisip flexisip: tport_name_by_url() failed for url sip:
xyz.abc.comJul 25 08:14:50 flexisip flexisip: tport_name_by_url() failed for url sip:
xyz.abc.comJul 25 08:15:04 flexisip flexisip: No push notification client available for push notification request : 0x55ad03b72590
Any help can highly apricated.