#!/bin/sh _init () { # autotool'ize these two? TEMPLATE_DIR="/var/lib/freeipmi"; TEMPLATE="${TEMPLATE_DIR}/bmc-config-template"; PROG=$(which dialog 2>/dev/null || which whiptail 2>/dev/null); BMC_CONFIG=$(which bmc-config 2>/dev/null) || { echo "bmc-config not found, fatal!"; return 1; } exec 3>&1 ip=""; nm=""; gw=""; return 0; } show_message () { [ -z "${PROG}" ] && { echo "${1}"; read; return; } ${PROG} --title "BMC Auto Config" --msgbox "${1}" 0 0 >&3; return; } get_input () { local input; [ -z "${PROG}" ] && { echo -n "${1}"; read input; echo "${input}"; return; } ${PROG} --title "BMC Auto Config" --inputbox "$1" 0 0 "$2" 2>&1 >&3; } validate_ip_address () { local quad; local oldIFS; quad=${1} echo "${oct}" | grep -Eq "^[0-9\.]+$" || { echo "ERROR: Input cannot have non-numericals"; return 1; } oldIFS=${IFS}; IFS=. set -- ${quad}; IFS=${oldIFS}; if [ "$#" -ne "4" ]; then echo "ERROR: IP Address needs 4 octets"; return 1; fi for oct in $*; do if [ "${oct}" -lt "0" -o "${oct}" -gt "255" ]; then echo "ERROR: Input octets should be between 0 - 255"; return 1 fi done return 0 } get_ip_address () { get_input "Enter BMC IP Address: " "${ip}"; } get_netmask () { get_input "Enter BMC Netmask: " "${nm}"; } get_gateway_ip_address () { get_input "Enter BMC Gateway: " "${gw}"; } accept_input () { iput_func=$1; valid_func=$2; local err; local input; input=$(${iput_func}) || return 1; while ! err=$(${valid_func} ${input}) do show_message "${err}"; input=$(${iput_func}) || return 1; done echo ${input}; return 0; } main () { ip=$(accept_input get_ip_address validate_ip_address) && nm=$(accept_input get_netmask validate_ip_address) && gw=$(accept_input get_gateway_ip_address validate_ip_address) && { ${BMC_CONFIG} --commit -f "${TEMPLATE}"; ${BMC_CONFIG} --commit -k "Lan_Conf:IP_Address=${ip}"; ${BMC_CONFIG} --commit -k "Lan_Conf:Subnet_Mask=${nm}"; ${BMC_CONFIG} --commit -k "Lan_Conf:Default_Gateway_IP_Address=${gw}"; } } _init "$@" && main "$@";