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[freetype2] GSoC-2020-anuj 5cee930 1/2: [sdf] Added the subdivision and

From: Anuj Verma
Subject: [freetype2] GSoC-2020-anuj 5cee930 1/2: [sdf] Added the subdivision and bounding box optimization.
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 07:07:27 -0400 (EDT)

branch: GSoC-2020-anuj
commit 5cee930937fada9236cb19c45e67b89b992091e8
Author: Anuj Verma <>
Commit: Anuj Verma <>

    [sdf] Added the subdivision and bounding box optimization.
    * src/sdf/ftsdf.c (sdf_generate_bounding_box): Added function to generate 
SDF by
      only checking grid point around the bounding box of any edge.
    * src/sdf/ftsdf.c (sdf_generate_subdivision): Added function to generate 
SDF by
      splitting the shape into a number of line segments and then only checking 
      points around the neighborhood of the lines.
 src/sdf/ftsdf.c | 292 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 292 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/sdf/ftsdf.c b/src/sdf/ftsdf.c
index 6d2552d..b442cf9 100644
--- a/src/sdf/ftsdf.c
+++ b/src/sdf/ftsdf.c
@@ -2801,4 +2801,296 @@
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @Function:
+   *   sdf_generate_bounding_box
+   *
+   * @Description:
+   *   This function does basically the same thing as the above 
+   *   `sdf_generate' but more efficiently.
+   *   Instead of checking all the pixels against all the edges, we loop
+   *   through all the edges and only check the pixels around the control
+   *   box of the edge, the control box is increased by the spread in all
+   *   all the directions. Anything outside the control box will naturally
+   *   be more than the `spread' and shouldn't be computed.
+   *   Lastly to determine the sign of unchecked pixels we do a single pass
+   *   of all the rows starting with a '+' sign and flipping when we come
+   *   across a '-' sign and continue.
+   *   This also eliminate the chance of overflow because we only check the
+   *   proximity of the curve. Therefore we can use squared distanced
+   *   safely.
+   *
+   * @Input:
+   *   internal_params ::
+   *     Internal parameters and properties required by the rasterizer.
+   *     See `SDF_Params' for the actual parameters.
+   *
+   *   shape ::
+   *     A complete shape which is used to generate SDF.
+   *
+   *   spread ::
+   *     Maximum distances to be allowed inthe output bitmap.
+   *
+   * @Return
+   *   bitmap ::
+   *     The output bitmap which will contain the SDF information.
+   *
+   *   FT_Error ::
+   *     FreeType error, 0 means success.
+   *
+   */
+  static FT_Error
+  sdf_generate_bounding_box( const SDF_Params  internal_params,
+                             const SDF_Shape*  shape,
+                             FT_UInt           spread,
+                             const FT_Bitmap*  bitmap )
+  {
+    FT_Error      error  = FT_Err_Ok;
+    FT_Memory     memory = NULL;
+    FT_UInt       width, rows, i, j;
+    FT_UInt       sp_sq;      /* max value to check   */
+    SDF_Contour*  contours;   /* list of all contours */
+    FT_Short*     buffer;     /* the bitmap buffer    */
+    /* This buffer has the same size in indices as the   */
+    /* bitmap buffer. When we check a pixel position for */
+    /* shortest distance we keep it in this buffer.      */
+    /* This way we check find out which pixel is set,    */
+    /* and also determine the signs properly.            */
+    SDF_Signed_Distance*    dists = NULL;
+    if ( !shape || !bitmap )
+    {
+      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
+      goto Exit;
+    }
+    if ( spread < MIN_SPREAD || spread > MAX_SPREAD )
+    {
+      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
+      goto Exit;
+    }
+    memory = shape->memory;
+    if ( !memory ){
+      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
+      goto Exit;
+    }
+    contours = shape->contours;
+    width    = bitmap->width;
+    rows     = bitmap->rows;
+    buffer   = (FT_Short*)bitmap->buffer;
+    if ( SDF_ALLOC( dists, width * rows * sizeof( *dists ) ) )
+      goto Exit;
+    FT_MEM_ZERO( dists, width * rows * sizeof(*dists) );
+      sp_sq = FT_INT_16D16( spread * spread );
+    else
+      sp_sq = FT_INT_16D16( spread );
+    if ( width == 0 || rows == 0 )
+    {
+      FT_TRACE0(( "[sdf] sdf_generate:\n"
+                  "      Cannot render glyph with width/height == 0\n"
+                  "      (width, height provided [%d, %d])", width, rows ));
+      error = FT_THROW( Cannot_Render_Glyph );
+      goto Exit;
+    }
+    /* loop through all the contours */
+    while ( contours ) {
+      SDF_Edge*  edges = contours->edges;
+      /* loop through all the edges */
+      while ( edges )
+      {
+        FT_CBox    cbox;
+        FT_Int     x, y;
+        /* get the control box and increase by `spread' */
+        cbox = get_control_box( *edges );
+        cbox.xMin = ( cbox.xMin - 63 ) / 64 - ( FT_Pos )spread;
+        cbox.xMax = ( cbox.xMax + 63 ) / 64 + ( FT_Pos )spread;
+        cbox.yMin = ( cbox.yMin - 63 ) / 64 - ( FT_Pos )spread;
+        cbox.yMax = ( cbox.yMax + 63 ) / 64 + ( FT_Pos )spread;
+        /* now loop the pixels in the control box. */
+        for ( y = cbox.yMin; y < cbox.yMax; y++  )
+        {
+          for ( x = cbox.xMin; x < cbox.xMax; x++  )
+          {
+            FT_26D6_Vec          grid_point = zero_vector;
+            SDF_Signed_Distance  dist       = max_sdf;
+            FT_UInt              index      = 0;
+            if ( x < 0 || x >= width ) continue;
+            if ( y < 0 || y >= rows )  continue;
+            grid_point.x = FT_INT_26D6( x );
+            grid_point.y = FT_INT_26D6( y );
+            /* This `grid_point' is at the corner, but we */
+            /* use the center of the pixel.               */
+            grid_point.x += FT_INT_26D6( 1 ) / 2;
+            grid_point.y += FT_INT_26D6( 1 ) / 2;
+            FT_CALL( sdf_edge_get_min_distance( edges,
+                                                grid_point,
+                                                &dist ) );
+            if ( internal_params.orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_FILL_LEFT )
+              dist.sign = -dist.sign;
+            /* ignore if the distance is greater than spread    */
+            /* otherwise it creates artifacts due to wrong sign */
+            if ( dist.distance > sp_sq ) continue;
+            /* square_root the values and fit in a 6.10 fixed point */
+            if ( USE_SQUARED_DISTANCES )
+              dist.distance = square_root( dist.distance );
+            if ( internal_params.flip_y )
+              index = y * width + x;
+            else
+              index = ( rows - y - 1 ) * width + x;
+            /* check weather the pixel is set or not */
+            if ( dists[index].sign == 0 )
+              dists[index] = dist;
+            else if ( dists[index].distance > dist.distance )
+              dists[index] = dist;
+            else if ( FT_ABS(dists[index].distance - dist.distance  ) < 
+              dists[index] = resolve_corner( dists[index], dist );
+          }
+        }
+        edges = edges->next;
+      }
+      contours = contours->next;
+    }
+    /* final pass */
+    for ( j = 0; j < rows; j++ )
+    {
+      /* We assume the starting pixel of each row */
+      /* will be outside.                         */
+      FT_Char  current_sign = -1;
+      FT_UInt  index;
+      if ( internal_params.overload_sign != 0 )
+        current_sign = internal_params.overload_sign < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+      for ( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
+      {
+        index = j * width + i;
+        /* if the pixel is not set that means it's */
+        /* shortest distance is more than spread   */
+        if ( dists[index].sign == 0 )
+          dists[index].distance = FT_INT_16D16( spread );
+        else
+          current_sign = dists[index].sign;
+        /* clamp the values */
+        if ( dists[index].distance > FT_INT_16D16( spread ) )
+          dists[index].distance = FT_INT_16D16( spread );
+        /* convert from 16.16 to 6.10 */
+        dists[index].distance /= 64;
+        if ( internal_params.flip_sign )
+          buffer[index] = (FT_Short)dists[index].distance * -current_sign;
+        else
+          buffer[index] = (FT_Short)dists[index].distance * current_sign;
+      }
+    }
+  Exit:
+    SDF_FREE( dists );
+    return error;
+  }
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @Function:
+   *   sdf_generate_subdivision
+   *
+   * @Description:
+   *   This function subdivide the shape into a number of straight lines
+   *   and then simply use the above `sdf_generate_bounding_box' to generate
+   *   the SDF.
+   *   Note: After calling this function the `shape' will no longer have the
+   *         original edges, it will only contain lines.
+   *
+   * @Input:
+   *   internal_params ::
+   *     Internal parameters and properties required by the rasterizer.
+   *     See `SDF_Params' for the actual parameters.
+   *
+   *   shape ::
+   *     A complete shape which is used to generate SDF.
+   *
+   *   spread ::
+   *     Maximum distances to be allowed inthe output bitmap.
+   *
+   * @Return
+   *   bitmap ::
+   *     The output bitmap which will contain the SDF information.
+   *
+   *   FT_Error ::
+   *     FreeType error, 0 means success.
+   *
+   */
+  static FT_Error
+  sdf_generate_subdivision( const SDF_Params  internal_params,
+                            SDF_Shape*        shape,
+                            FT_UInt           spread,
+                            const FT_Bitmap*  bitmap )
+  {
+    /* Thanks to Alexei for providing the idea of this optimization. */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /* This optimiztion mode take advantage of two facts:            */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /*   - Computing shortest distance froma point to a line segment */
+    /*     is super fast.                                            */
+    /*   - We don't have to compute shortest distance for the entire */
+    /*     2D grid.                                                  */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /* This is how it works:                                         */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /*   - We split the outlines into a number of line segments.     */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /*   - For each line segment we only process the neighborhood of */
+    /*     the line segment.                                         */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /*   - Now, only for the neighborhood grid points we compute the */
+    /*     closest distance to the line.                             */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /*   - This way we do not have to check all grid points against  */
+    /*     all the edges. Instead for each line's neighborhood we    */
+    /*     only compute shortest distance for that one line only.    */
+    /*                                                               */
+    /* All in all, it reduces the number of grid point to edge check */
+    /*                                                               */
+    FT_Error   error = FT_Err_Ok;
+    FT_CALL( split_sdf_shape( shape ) );
+    FT_CALL( sdf_generate_bounding_box( internal_params,
+                                        shape, spread, bitmap ) );
+  Exit:
+    return error;
+  }
 /* END */

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