Ahmet Göksu pushed to branch gsoc-2024-ahmet at FreeType / FreeType Demo Programs
by Ahmet Goksu at 2024-08-05T03:00:54+03:00
6 changed files:
- + graph/cocoa/grcocoa.h
- + graph/cocoa/grcocoa.mm
- + graph/cocoa/grcocoa.swift
- + graph/cocoa/rules.mk
- graph/grinit.c
- graph/rules.mk
1 | +#ifndef GRCOCOA_H_
2 | +#define GRCOCOA_H_
3 | + |
4 | +#include "../grobjs.h"
5 | +#include "../grdevice.h"
6 | +#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
7 | + |
8 | +int gr_cocoa_device_init(void);
9 | +void gr_cocoa_device_done(void);
10 | +int gr_cocoa_surface_init(grSurface *surface, grBitmap *bitmap);
11 | +void gr_cocoa_surface_done(grSurface *surface);
12 | +void gr_cocoa_surface_refresh_rectangle(grSurface *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h);
13 | +int gr_cocoa_surface_listen_event(grSurface *surface, int event_mask, grEvent *event);
14 | + |
15 | +extern grDevice gr_cocoa_device;
16 | + |
17 | +#endif /* GRCOCOA_H_ */ |
1 | +#include "grcocoa.h"
2 | +#include "graph.h"
3 | +#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
4 | +#include <objc/runtime.h>
5 | + |
6 | +typedef struct {
7 | + grSurface root;
8 | + NSWindow *window;
9 | + NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep;
10 | + NSImageView *imageView;
11 | +} grCocoaSurface;
12 | + |
13 | +static int gr_cocoa_device_init(void) {
14 | + // initialization for Cocoa
15 | + return 0;
16 | +}
17 | + |
18 | +static void gr_cocoa_device_done(void) {
19 | + // cleanup
20 | +}
21 | + |
22 | +static int gr_cocoa_surface_init(grSurface *surface, grBitmap *bitmap) {
23 | + grCocoaSurface *cocoa_surface = (grCocoaSurface *)surface;
24 | + int width = bitmap->width;
25 | + int height = bitmap->rows;
26 | + |
27 | + cocoa_surface->bitmapRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
28 | + initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL
29 | + pixelsWide:width
30 | + pixelsHigh:height
31 | + bitsPerSample:8
32 | + samplesPerPixel:4
33 | + hasAlpha:YES
34 | + isPlanar:NO
35 | + colorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace
36 | + bitmapFormat:0
37 | + bytesPerRow:width * 4
38 | + bitsPerPixel:32];
39 | + |
40 | + cocoa_surface->window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height)
41 | + styleMask:(NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable)
42 | + backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
43 | + defer:NO];
44 | + [cocoa_surface->window setTitle:@"FreeType Cocoa Demo"];
45 | + cocoa_surface->imageView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height)];
46 | + [cocoa_surface->imageView setImage:[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(width, height)]];
47 | + [[cocoa_surface->window contentView] addSubview:cocoa_surface->imageView];
48 | + [cocoa_surface->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
49 | + |
50 | + surface->bitmap = *bitmap;
51 | + return 1;
52 | +}
53 | + |
54 | +static void gr_cocoa_surface_done(grSurface *surface) {
55 | + grCocoaSurface *cocoa_surface = (grCocoaSurface *)surface;
56 | + [cocoa_surface->window close];
57 | + [cocoa_surface->bitmapRep release];
58 | +}
59 | + |
60 | +static void gr_cocoa_surface_refresh_rectangle(grSurface *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
61 | + grCocoaSurface *cocoa_surface = (grCocoaSurface *)surface;
62 | + // update the bitmap data here
63 | + unsigned char* bitmap_data = [cocoa_surface->bitmapRep bitmapData];
64 | + for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++) {
65 | + for (int col = x; col < x + w; col++) {
66 | + int pixel_index = (row * cocoa_surface->bitmapRep.bytesPerRow) + (col * 4);
67 | + //update the pixel data
68 | + bitmap_data[pixel_index] = 255; // Red
69 | + bitmap_data[pixel_index + 1] = 255; // Green
70 | + bitmap_data[pixel_index + 2] = 255; // Blue
71 | + bitmap_data[pixel_index + 3] = 255; // Alpha
72 | + }
73 | + }
74 | + |
75 | + [[cocoa_surface->imageView image] addRepresentation:cocoa_surface->bitmapRep];
76 | + [cocoa_surface->imageView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
77 | +}
78 | + |
79 | +static int gr_cocoa_surface_listen_event(grSurface *surface, int event_mask, grEvent *event) {
80 | + // event handling here
81 | + // return 0 for now
82 | + return 0;
83 | +}
84 | + |
85 | +static grPixelMode gr_cocoa_pixel_modes[] = {
86 | + gr_pixel_mode_rgb24
87 | +};
88 | + |
89 | +grDevice gr_cocoa_device = {
90 | + sizeof(grCocoaSurface),
91 | + "cocoa",
92 | + gr_cocoa_device_init,
93 | + gr_cocoa_device_done,
94 | + gr_cocoa_surface_init,
95 | + gr_cocoa_surface_done,
96 | + gr_cocoa_surface_refresh_rectangle,
97 | + gr_cocoa_surface_listen_event,
98 | + -1,
99 | + NULL
100 | +}; |
1 | +import Cocoa
2 | + |
3 | +struct GrCocoaSurface {
4 | + var root: grSurface
5 | + var window: NSWindow?
6 | + var bitmapRep: NSBitmapImageRep?
7 | + var imageView: NSImageView?
8 | + |
9 | + init(root: grSurface) {
10 | + self.root = root
11 | + }
12 | + |
13 | + mutating func initializeSurface(bitmap: inout grBitmap) -> Bool {
14 | + let width = Int(bitmap.width)
15 | + let height = Int(bitmap.rows)
16 | + |
17 | + self.bitmapRep = NSBitmapImageRep(
18 | + bitmapDataPlanes: nil,
19 | + pixelsWide: width,
20 | + pixelsHigh: height,
21 | + bitsPerSample: 8,
22 | + samplesPerPixel: 4,
23 | + hasAlpha: true,
24 | + isPlanar: false,
25 | + colorSpaceName: .deviceRGB,
26 | + bitmapFormat: [],
27 | + bytesPerRow: width * 4,
28 | + bitsPerPixel: 32
29 | + )
30 | + |
31 | + self.window = NSWindow(
32 | + contentRect: NSMakeRect(0, 0, CGFloat(width), CGFloat(height)),
33 | + styleMask: [.titled, .closable, .resizable],
34 | + backing: .buffered,
35 | + defer: false
36 | + )
37 | + self.window?.title = "FreeType Cocoa Demo"
38 | + |
39 | + self.imageView = NSImageView(frame: NSMakeRect(0, 0, CGFloat(width), CGFloat(height)))
40 | + self.imageView?.image = NSImage(size: NSSize(width: width, height: height))
41 | + self.window?.contentView?.addSubview(self.imageView!)
42 | + self.window?.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil)
43 | + |
44 | + self.root.bitmap = bitmap
45 | + return true
46 | + }
47 | + |
48 | + mutating func releaseSurface() {
49 | + self.window?.close()
50 | + self.bitmapRep = nil
51 | + }
52 | + |
53 | + func refreshRectangle(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
54 | + // update bitmap data here
55 | + |
56 | + self.imageView?.image?.addRepresentation(self.bitmapRep!)
57 | + let rect = NSRect(x: CGFloat(x), y: CGFloat(y), width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height))
58 | + self.imageView?.setNeedsDisplay(rect)
59 | + }
60 | + |
61 | + func listenEvent(eventMask: Int32, event: UnsafeMutablePointer<grEvent>) -> Int32 {
62 | + // event handling here
63 | + return 0
64 | + }
65 | +}
66 | + |
67 | +// Expose functions to C
68 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_device_init")
69 | +func gr_cocoa_device_init() -> Int32 {
70 | + // Initialization code for Cocoa
71 | + return 0
72 | +}
73 | + |
74 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_device_done")
75 | +func gr_cocoa_device_done() {
76 | + // Cleanup code for Cocoa
77 | +}
78 | + |
79 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_surface_init")
80 | +func gr_cocoa_surface_init(surface: UnsafeMutablePointer<grSurface>?, bitmap: UnsafeMutablePointer<grBitmap>?) -> Int32 {
81 | + guard let surface = surface, let bitmap = bitmap else { return 0 }
82 | + var cocoaSurface = GrCocoaSurface(root: surface.pointee)
83 | + return cocoaSurface.initializeSurface(bitmap: &bitmap.pointee) ? 1 : 0
84 | +}
85 | + |
86 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_surface_done")
87 | +func gr_cocoa_surface_done(surface: UnsafeMutablePointer<grSurface>?) {
88 | + guard let surface = surface else { return }
89 | + var cocoaSurface = GrCocoaSurface(root: surface.pointee)
90 | + cocoaSurface.releaseSurface()
91 | +}
92 | + |
93 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_surface_refresh_rectangle")
94 | +func gr_cocoa_surface_refresh_rectangle(surface: UnsafeMutablePointer<grSurface>?, x: Int32, y: Int32, width: Int32, height: Int32) {
95 | + guard let surface = surface else { return }
96 | + let cocoaSurface = GrCocoaSurface(root: surface.pointee)
97 | + cocoaSurface.refreshRectangle(x: Int(x), y: Int(y), width: Int(width), height: Int(height))
98 | +}
99 | + |
100 | +@_cdecl("gr_cocoa_surface_listen_event")
101 | +func gr_cocoa_surface_listen_event(surface: UnsafeMutablePointer<grSurface>?, eventMask: Int32, event: UnsafeMutablePointer<grEvent>?) -> Int32 {
102 | + guard let surface = surface, let event = event else { return 0 }
103 | + let cocoaSurface = GrCocoaSurface(root: surface.pointee)
104 | + return cocoaSurface.listenEvent(eventMask: eventMask, event: event)
105 | +} |
1 | +#**************************************************************************
2 | +#*
3 | +#* Cocoa specific rules file, used to compile the Cocoa graphics driver
4 | +#* to the graphics subsystem
5 | +#*
6 | +#**************************************************************************
7 | + |
8 | +# Compiler and Flags
9 | +SWIFT := swiftc
10 | +SWIFTFLAGS := -import-objc-header $(GRAPH)/cocoa/grcocoa.h
11 | + |
12 | + |
13 | +# Cocoa specific settings
14 | +ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
15 | + SWIFT_OBJS += $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grcocoa.o
16 | + FRAMEWORKS = -framework Cocoa
18 | +endif
19 | + |
20 | +# Targets
21 | +all: cocoa
22 | + |
23 | +cocoa: $(SWIFT_OBJS)
24 | + @echo "Building Cocoa driver"
25 | + |
26 | +$(OBJ_DIR_2)/grcocoa.o: $(GRAPH)/cocoa/grcocoa.swift
27 | + $(SWIFT) $(SWIFTFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
28 | + |
29 | +clean:
30 | + rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR_2)/*.o |
... | ... | @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ |
29 | 29 | #include "mac/grmac.h"
30 | 30 | #endif
31 | 31 | |
32 | +#ifdef DEVICE_COCOA
33 | +#include "cocoa/grcocoa.h"
34 | +#endif
35 | + |
32 | 36 | #ifdef DEVICE_ALLEGRO
33 | 37 | #include "allegro/gralleg.h"
34 | 38 | #endif
... | ... | @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ GRAPH_OBJS := $(OBJ_DIR_2)/gblblit.$(O) \ |
38 | 38 | $(OBJ_DIR_2)/grswizzle.$(O)
39 | 39 | |
40 | 40 | |
41 | - |
42 | 41 | # Default value for COMPILE_GRAPH_LIB;
43 | 42 | # this value can be modified by the system-specific graphics drivers.
44 | 43 | #