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Re: Compiling with Cygnus's Cygwin

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: Compiling with Cygnus's Cygwin
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:42:45 +0100

Hi Saptal,

> Hi,
>    I have installed cygwin b20.1 and I can't get either
> freetype-1.3.1 of freetype2-current to compile from the standard scripts.
> 1.3.1: Gives the following error:
> bash-2.02$ sh configure
> loading cache ./config.cache
> configure: error: can not run //d/Animo_stuff/freetype-1.3.1/config.sub

I believe that the "configure" script only works on "true" Unix systems.
(that's not really a FreeType problem, by the way :-)

You'll probably need to compile things "by hand" like in :

  cd freetype-1.3.1/lib
  make -f arch/win32/Makefile.gcc
  cd ../test
  make -f arch/win32/Makefile.gcc

> 2-current gives:
> bash-2.02$ make
> make: ver: Command not found
> FreeType build system - automatic system detection
> The following settings were detected :
>   platform                 : win32
>   compiler                 : gcc
>   configuration directory  : ./config/win32
>   configuration rules      : .configwin32Makefile.gcc
> If this does not correspond to your system or settings please remove the
> file
> from this directory then read the INSTALL file for help.
> Otherwise, simple type make again to build the library
> copy: not found
> make: *** [dos_setup] Error 127
> Both are run from the shell provided by cygwin.

Same problem here, you should run gnu-make from the Windows Shell,
not the Cygwin Bash. (the Makefile fails because it cannot find the
commands "ver" and "copy").

On the other hand, we might as wel add a rule in "config/unix/"
and "config/win32/" to check for Cygwin ?. Do you know any kind
of simple procedure that can detect that we're running Bash/Cygwin under
Win32 ?

Best Regards,

- David

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