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calculating bounding box of a string

From: Bart De Lathouwer
Subject: calculating bounding box of a string
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 23:40:08 +0200

Hi all,
I'm trying to calculate the bounding box of a string using the method described further down.
Somehow this method is not quite exact. When i draw the string, it's seems to be shorter that calculated.
(I did an example using the gara.ttf file on Win Nt 4 SP 4)
Am i using the correct procedure to calculate the bounding box?
Bart De Lathouwer
 FT_Error ftErr = 0;
    FT_Pos  origin_x = 0;
 FT_UInt  previous_index = 0;
 m_bbox.xMin = 0;
 m_bbox.yMin = 0;
 m_bbox.xMax = 0;
 m_bbox.yMax = 0;
 string::iterator i;
 for (i = m_sText.begin(); i < m_sText.end(); i++) {
  FT_UInt glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(m_face.face, *i);
  if (m_bKerning && previous_index && glyph_index) {
   FT_Vector delta = {0,0};
   FT_Get_Kerning(m_face.face, previous_index, glyph_index,
       ft_kerning_default, &delta);
   m_bbox.xMax += delta.x;
  ftErr = FT_Load_Glyph(m_face.face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
  assert(ftErr == 0);
  FT_Glyph  glyph;
  ftErr = FT_Get_Glyph(m_face.face->glyph, &glyph);
  FT_BBox box;
  FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(glyph, 0, &box);
  // grow bounding box
  m_bbox.xMax += m_face.face->glyph->advance.x;
  if (box.yMin < m_bbox.yMin)
   m_bbox.yMin = box.yMin;
  if (box.yMax > m_bbox.yMax)
   m_bbox.yMax = box.yMax;
  previous_index = glyph_index;
 return m_bbox;

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