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[Devel] memcpy from

From: Jeff Wolkenhauer
Subject: [Devel] memcpy from
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 11:30:18 -0700

Hello all,

I'm running into a very weird problem that I'm hoping one of you may have seen
before and can clue me in on.

I'm using freetype 2.0 with a project on a Windows 2000 machine, Visual C/C++
6.0.  I am attempting to get the localized Unicode family name string from some
TrueType Collection (.ttc) files.
I'm making a call:
  ft_err =  FT_Get_Sfnt_Name (ftFace,   /* from  FT_New_Face(...) */
                              i,        /* desired index into nametable   */
                              sfnt_nm); /* address of FT_SfntName struct */

If sfnt_nm's platform_id and encoding_id etc. are what I want, I attempt to copy

Here's the weird part.  Even though sfnt_nm.string_len is, say, 14, I can only
reliably copy the first 10 characters (0-9).  The reason for this seems to be a
problem in referencing the original array sfnt_nm.string.
  For example, given:  int j = 11, 
    sfnt_nm.string[j] is NOT equal to sfnt_nm.string[11].

So I get correct bytes for the first several elements, but incorrect bytes for
the rest.

I've eliminated simple things like old/incompatible headers and libraries -
assuring fresh compilation, etc. - as possibilities.  I've tried memcpy as well
as using a simple for loop, static variables and local variables.

I thought perhaps a complier/system bug, but it may also be something in the
freetype library and I thought I'd ask here.  I saw one thing that has given me
pause in FT_Get_Sfnt_Name.  That is the assignment
          TT_Face  ttface = (TT_Face)face;
face being an FT_Face and a much smaller structure than TT_Face.  Even though
the first element of TT_Face is an FT_Face structure.

Has anyone ever seen similar behaviour, even outside of freetype?
I would appreciate any comments, help or suggestions.


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