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Re: [ft-devel] ft-smooth for 2.1.10?

From: David Chester
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] ft-smooth for 2.1.10?
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 16:43:30 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.8.3

Basically, what the ft-smooth patch does is to add some compile-time 
configuration options for forcing some defaults.  This is usefull especially 
for applications that use freetype directly and don't go through fontconfig 
to set hinting options.

One configuration option forces the autohinter to be used even if a different 
hinter would have been used otherwise.  The other configuration option forces 
this hinting behaviour for the autohinter:

    hinter->do_horz_hints    = 0;
    hinter->do_vert_hints    = 1;
    hinter->do_horz_snapping = 0;
    hinter->do_vert_snapping = 0;
    hinter->do_stem_adjust   = 0;

It would be my vote for an overall default setup in freetype, but everybody 
has their opinions.


On Thursday 17 November 2005 04:48, bulia byak wrote:
> On 11/15/05, Turner, David <address@hidden> wrote:
> > I think there is a misunderstanding. We have integrated
> > David Chester's patch within FT2 for a long time (2.1.7
> > or 2.1.8 if I remember correctly).
> This does not match my experience at all, see below.
> > Could you produce screenshots that detail striking differences
> > you'd like to see removed ? Please give also complete information
> > regarding the font files being used, the character size, etc...
> OK, here's a screenshot of 4 Firefox windows using stock 2.1.10. The
> Microsoft fonts are installed, URLs are visible in the windows, you
> can visit them yourself (if you want any more detailed info let me
> know and I'll try to find out). I've annotated the screenshot pointing
> out the worst issues with character shape and kerning.
> For comparison, here's the shot of the same pages on the same system,
> but with FT 2.1.9 with the ft-smooth patch applied (from
> As you
> can easily see, this one has none of the problems of 2.1.10.
> Overall, stock 2.1.10 gives much more unevenly kerned and distorted
> characters, this is obvious in almost every character. For me, reading
> text with 2.1.10 is a pain. Obviously, the problem is the autohinter,
> and all I ask for is to give an option to turn it off altogether
> (which, as I understand, is what the ft-smooth patch does).
> I am aware of the argument that "no autohinting makes it blurry". Yes,
> it's less crisp. So what? I still MUCH prefer the blurry but even and
> natural characters to the crisp and broken ones. I'm sure I'm not
> alone with that. Why can't we have it as an option? Please?
> Thanks for your consideration.
> --
> bulia byak
> Inkscape. Draw Freely.

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