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Re: [ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures

From: gww
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:39:42 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2

Quoting Deron Kazmaier <address@hidden>:

> This is a bit off-topic, but I am trying to make heads or tails out of 
> the mort table to be able to extract the ligatures. Or at least the 
> ligatures that have no initial state. I've done something wrong in my 
> code, but I just can't seem to put a finger on it. I've looked around to 
> see if I could get a dump from someone else parser but I actually can't 
> find any code out there that reads the table besides the gxvalid code in 
> FreeType which doesn't seem to digest the tables in a fully functional way.
FontForge contains code which parses the mor[tx] table and extracts the
ligatures reachable from the start states.

If you just want to see the results, then open a font (containing a mor[tx]
table) with fontforge and look at
  Element->Font Info->Lookups->GSUB
and then double click on the one of the ligature entries.
(FF converts them into a more OpenType format internally, so you won't see a
state machine, just OT substitutions)

If you actually want to look at someone else's code, then the parser lives in
parsettfatt.c starting with readttf_mortx_lig (about line 3659)

(FontForge lives at )

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