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[ft-devel] Re: trace_gloader is registered in fttrace.h

From: mpsuzuki
Subject: [ft-devel] Re: trace_gloader is registered in fttrace.h
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:53:28 +0900


Just I've finished the translation from Perl to Python.
This is my first scripting by Python, so any comments to
improve/cleanup by experts are welcomed.

On Core Duo 1GHz + 2GB RAM laptop, the speed of Python
version is 4 times faster than previous Perl version :-).

$ time ./src/tools/ > /dev/null

real    0m4.527s
user    0m3.182s
sys     0m1.349s

$ time ./src/tools/ > /dev/null

real    0m0.849s
user    0m0.557s
sys     0m0.047s

On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:10:22 +0200 (CEST)
Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Trace component any (defined in fttrace.h:22) is not used.
>This is a false alarm, of course; I use `any' all the time while
>debugging.  Maybe it makes sense to catch this in the script.

OK, `any' is excluded as a special case from "defined-but-
not-used" warning.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import re


c_pathname_pat = re.compile( '^.*\.[ch]$', re.IGNORECASE )
trace_use_pat  = re.compile( '^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+FT_COMPONENT[ \t]+trace_' )
for (p,dlst,flst) in os.walk( "src" ):
  for f in flst:
    if c_pathname_pat.match( f ) != None:
      # SRC_FILE_LIST.append( os.path.join( p, f ) )
      # print "+ %s" % os.path.join( p, f )
      src_pathname = os.path.join( p, f )

      line_num = 0
      for src_line in open( src_pathname, 'r' ):
        line_num = line_num + 1
        src_line = src_line.strip()
        if trace_use_pat.match( src_line ) != None:
          component_name = trace_use_pat.sub( '', src_line )
          if component_name in USED_COMPONENT:
            USED_COMPONENT[component_name].append( "%s:%d" % ( src_pathname, 
line_num ) )
            USED_COMPONENT[component_name] = [ "%s:%d" % ( src_pathname, 
line_num ) ]

# cmpnt = USED_COMPONENT.keys()
# cmpnt.sort()
# for c in cmpnt:
#   print "[%s] used in %s" % ( c, ", ".join( USED_COMPONENT[c] ) )

trace_def_pat_opn = re.compile( '^.*FT_TRACE_DEF[ \t]*\([ \t]*' )
trace_def_pat_cls = re.compile( '[ \t\)].*$' )
line_num = 0
for fttrace_h_line in open( "include/freetype/internal/fttrace.h", 'r' ):
  line_num = line_num + 1
  fttrace_h_line = fttrace_h_line.strip()
  if trace_def_pat_opn.match( fttrace_h_line ) != None:
    component_name = trace_def_pat_opn.sub( '', fttrace_h_line )
    component_name = trace_def_pat_cls.sub( '', component_name )
    if component_name in KNOWN_COMPONENT:
      print "trace component %s is defined twice, see %s and fttrace.h:%d" % \
        ( component_name, KNOWN_COMPONENT[component_name], line_num )
      KNOWN_COMPONENT[component_name] = "fttrace.h:%d" % line_num

# cmpnt = KNOWN_COMPONENT.keys()
# cmpnt.sort()
# for c in cmpnt:
#   print "[%s] defined in %s" % ( c, KNOWN_COMPONENT[c] )

print "# Trace component used in the implementations but not defined in 
cmpnt = USED_COMPONENT.keys()
for c in cmpnt:
  if c not in KNOWN_COMPONENT:
    print "Trace component %s (used in %s) is not defined." % ( c, ", ".join( 

print "# Trace component is defined but not used in the implementations."
cmpnt = KNOWN_COMPONENT.keys()
for c in cmpnt:
  if c not in USED_COMPONENT:
    if c != "any":
      print "Trace component %s (defined in %s) is not used." % ( c, 

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