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Re: [ft-devel] Stem darkening of new CFF engine

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Stem darkening of new CFF engine
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:51:46 +0200 (CEST)

>> Wouldn't it be a good idea to make the amount of darkening user
>> configurable? (Maybe by specifying a number from 0..10 at compile
>> time (0=no darkening ... 10=full darkening))
> This is already on my radar: I'll make the `five-part curve'
> configurable using a CFF driver property.

And now it is implemented and added to the git repository.  From


    By default, the Adobe CFF engine darkens stems as follows (if the
    `no-stem-darkening' property isn't set):

      stem width <= 0.5px:   darkening amount = 0.4px
      stem width  = 1px:     darkening amount = 0.275px
      stem width  = 1.667px: darkening amount = 0.275px
      stem width >= 2.333px: darkening amount = 0px

    and piecewise linear in-between.  Using the `darkening-parameters'
    property, these four control points can be changed, as the following
    example demonstrates.

      FT_Library  library;
      FT_Int      darken_params[8] = {  500, 300,   // x1, y1
                                       1000, 200,   // x2, y2
                                       1500, 100,   // x3, y3
                                       2000,   0 }; // x4, y4

      FT_Init_FreeType( &library );

      FT_Property_Set( library, "cff",
                                "darkening-parameters", darken_params );

    The x~values give the stem width, and the y~values the darkening
    amount.  All coordinate values must be positive and monotonically
    increasing along the x~axis; the unit is 1000th of pixels.

    This property can be used with @FT_Property_Get also.

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