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Re: [ft-devel] what old/new FontVal says about these fonts

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] what old/new FontVal says about these fonts
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 22:15:32 +0100 (CET)

> Hm, I didn't get how aots is meant to be used,

You say `make', and a TTF compiler and decompiler together with an
annotated documentation (in HTML format) gets built.  You need Java
and its development package (for `javac') for building and running the
compiler stuff; it should work out of the box.

> The annotations are written against OpenType 1.4. Some of which
> seem to have been adopted into OpenType 1.8, others cover topics
> that a technical article optionally could mention (like "is it an
> error if a font specifies an empty action list?"). Many more cover
> Adobe internal language preferences (like the recommendation to
> call every processing request a "program").

Yes.  Adobe provides the document as-is; it is mainly intended as a
guide to developers who are trying to parse or build OpenType data.

> Intended audience is the spec editors and sometimes font
> designers.

Definitely not.

> They obviously didn't have third party implementations in mind.  It
> feels like they censored out clarification of open issues relevant
> to anyone that might be concerned in the specs as soon as a topic
> could become of some relevance to third party implementors.  May
> this be intended or accidently, it just feels this way.

Uh, oh, please give an example that demonstrates your concerns.


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