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Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

From: Anuj Verma
Subject: Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 14:02:48 +0530

> Please elaborate.  It's not clear to me what you are referring to, and
> what the problem is about.

If you checkout this ( which is an ascii
character `0' at pixel size 31, you can see that fixed point deviates from
the actual path slightly, which does not happen in case of float.
Moreover in some glyph (eg: you can see that
there are jagged edges.
This happens because of underflow, if you check the `solve_cubic_equation'
function (
there is a term `q3' which is cube of term `q'. So, in cases where is `q' is
pretty small `q3' becomes zero. And later in the algorithm we have to take
the `cube_root' of the term (q3 + r2) to find the final roots. Now because of
underflow the impact of `q' on the final output is zero. That is why the roots
davaiate and we get a wrong value. In some cases the deviation is quite high.
I can perhaps increase the precision in case `q' is pretty small, or simply use
Newton-Raphson similar to the cubic curve case.

> And if there is still some time left for GSoC I suggest that you
> explore how to implement overlapping removal in FreeType, based on the
> Skia code as Behdad suggested.

I would certainly love to do that even after GSoC.

Thanks for your explanation of the motive behind using fixed-point and
the summarization. Most of the things are clear to me now, I will start
writing the code as soon as I figure out how to add a new module.


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