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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: GNU Business Network Definition

From: Chris Croughton
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Re: GNU Business Network Definition
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 20:56:26 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 04:26:34PM +0100, Ian Lynch wrote:

> We have to get people from A to B and for some the gap is currently too
> big. Eat the elephant a bite at a time. If you can get by with 100%
> FLOSS fine, but understand that some other people probably can't for
> practical reasons. I'm 100% behind a shift to FLOSS but in the business
> I'm in, it's not realistic to say I will never ever use stuff that isn't
> FLOSS. Better that I provide strategies for people to make the
> transition rather than veto any contact with anyone that is still using
> proprietary licensed stuff.

Yup.  And recognise that for many people FOSS is not likely to provide
the answers in their working lifetime.

> So Chris, I agree with you but I would use the term idealism rather than
> fanaticism. Machiavelli did have some good points ;-)

I stick by 'fanaticism'.  Idealism is fine, when one applies it
personally -- if anyone says "I won't eat vegetables because it's
my ideal to be a carnivore" I will not object at all.  It becomes
fanaticism when it gets external and they try to force other people to
live the same way, or issue threats like "you can't join our group
unless you do what we say", and that's when it becomes
counter-productive (in spite of preferring meat if anyone tried to force
me to not eat vegetables I'd eat them just in reaction!).  Show a person
"my way works for me, perhaps it will work for you as well if you try
it" and they can be tempted.  Tell them "If you don't do it my way
completely I won't speak to you" and they'll say "good riddance".

(Machiavelli certainly had good points, and made them well, the trouble
came when his followers tried to apply them without his wit...)

Chris C

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