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Re: [FSF] Spanish translation of the Free Software Supporter

From: Adrián
Subject: Re: [FSF] Spanish translation of the Free Software Supporter
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 22:04:11 -0800

2012/12/3 Dora Scilipoti <address@hidden>
On 03/12/2012 18:21, Nico Cesar wrote:

I think the word "event" should no be translated as "evento", but rather
as "suceso" or "acontecimiento", or even "charla" or "encuentro"
depending on the context, specially on rms speeches.

"evento", "charla", "encuentro", "presentación", "conferencia", are all acceptable terms. I wouldn't use "suceso" or "acontecimiento".

En este caso la palabra "actividades" puede encajar mejor. Ya que serviría para mencionar tanto conferencias, presentaciones, etc.

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