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Re: [FSF] Presentación

From: Esteban Mesa
Subject: Re: [FSF] Presentación
Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 12:01:19 -0500

Perfect, Thank you Nico!.

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Nico Cesar <address@hidden> wrote:
On 14/05/13 11:51, Esteban Mesa wrote:
> Cordial saludo,
> Cuenten con nosotros para hacer las traducciones de los boletines
> electrónicos de la FSF.


Welcome Esteban!

I don't know if you had the chance to read my welcoming message to
Alejandro, I'm pasting the "workflow introduction " below.

> creo que sería muy
> motivador para el lector que al dar clic en el enlace encuentre también
> el contenido en el mismo idioma que el boletín electrónico; sé que es
> mucho trabajo pero si nos ayudamos de manera organizada podríamos
> abarcar más.

I agree 100%. But there is a time constraint that we can't miss. >From an
FSF point of view, is better to have the release of the bulletin on-time
(with links in English) than waiting more than 10 days to translate
everything. Since most of them are news.

BTW,  Most of the publications are from the FSF blog, so we can do them
independently from the supporter.

this is the previous mail about the workflow
Workflow so far:

Every new article gets sent to the list by one of the Campaigns Team. If
we have the time and in order to minimize duplicated work. We "grab" the
translation sending a short reply saying "tomo este articulo, mañana
entrego la traduccion" or something similar. English is preferred on all
communication, but I understand that Spanish is easier for us .

Then we send the translation to the list. We have to respect the
formatting because it's Markdown[1]. There are some ### and *'s that
you'll see on the text.

The order of the translation email is as follows:

* original
* translation
* notes

Any notes on the translated text that might be relevant,

Then the article get's peer reviewed.

Finally I was gathering all the translations and making a final

The articles usually come in batches, around the 20th of the month. the
supporter in English gets released on the 1st. So we try to do it near
that date.Last month got very delay (like 10 days) and we decided to
skip it. I hope we can avoid that this month.

In the future, I want to make the whole process over a concurrent
version system like GIT  or similar (we asked on savannah and they gave
us a CVS, not ideal but is a beginning). Do you have any experience on


[1] http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/


Nico Cesar
Sysadmin Free Software Foundation
phone: +1 (617) 542 5942 x26
GPG key: A82054C9

Memberships are needed for us!

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