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Re: [FSF] Supporter Item: "Oscar" awarded to W3C for Best Supporting Rol

From: alejandro
Subject: Re: [FSF] Supporter Item: "Oscar" awarded to W3C for Best Supporting Role in "The Hollyweb"
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 11:31:43 -0300

¡Excelente trabajo!

El vie, 17-05-2013 a las 19:01 -0500, Esteban Mesa escribió:
> <!-- Translate -->
> ### "Oscar" otorgado a la W3C para el mejor papel de reparto en "The
> Hollyweb"
> *Desde el 3 de Mayo*
> En la celebración del día internacional contra DRM, hoy pusimos a 
> disposición de la W3C la alfombra roja para entregar las firmas de la
> petición.
> Al más elegante estilo de la internet libre, presentamos a la W3C un 
> premio al mejor papel secundario en "The Hollyweb", acompañado de más 
> de 22.500 firmas verificadas de los miembros del público que se oponen
> a esta propuesta que tejería a la Gestión de Restricciones Digitales
> (DRM)
> en la tela de la Web.
> He aquí la entrada de nuestro blog con fotos de la entrega de la
> petición:
>   *
> <https://www.defectivebydesign.org/oscar-awarded-w3c-in-the-hollyweb>
> Nuestro comunicado de prensa:
>   *
> <https://www.fsf.org/news/oscar-awarded-to-w3c-for-best-supporting-role-in-the-hollyweb>
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Libby Reinish <address@hidden> wrote:
>         ### "Oscar" awarded to W3C for Best Supporting Role in "The
>         Hollyweb"
>         *From May 3rd*
>         In celebration of International Day Against DRM today, we
>         rolled out
>         the red carpet at W3C to deliver your petition signatures.
>         Internet
>         freedom's most stylish gathered to present W3C with an award
>         for "Best
>         Supporting Role in 'The Hollyweb'", accompanied by over 22,500
>         verified signatures from members of the public who oppose a
>         proposal
>         that would weave Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) into
>         the fabric
>         of the Web.
>         Here's our blog post with photos from the petition delivery:
>           *
>         <https://www.defectivebydesign.org/oscar-awarded-w3c-in-the-hollyweb>
>         Our press release:
>           *
> <https://www.fsf.org/news/oscar-awarded-to-w3c-for-best-supporting-role-in-the-hollyweb>
>         --
>         Libby Reinish
>         Campaigns Manager
>         Free Software Foundation
>         _______________________________________________
>         Fsfwww-translators-es-discuss mailing list
>         address@hidden
>         https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/fsfwww-translators-es-discuss
> -- 
> ---
> _______________________________________________
> Fsfwww-translators-es-discuss mailing list
> address@hidden
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/fsfwww-translators-es-discuss

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