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Re: [FSF] August 2018 Free Software Supporter for translation

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] August 2018 Free Software Supporter for translation
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 18:02:52 +0200

El 04/08/18 a las 13:33, victorhck escribió:
> El 03/08/18 a las 18:54, Alirio escribió:
>> Hi,
>> I did a whole proofreading and fixed some sentences with the right
>> meaning, also fixing several typos and grammatical errors.
>> I hope everything is better now!!
>> maybe another proofreading; but I think it is mostly ready to publish.
>> This supporter edition was short ;-):-P
>> Greetings.
>> Alirio.

Another final proofreading and where fixed some "bugs" :)
Thanks to people who made a gret work (again)!

Attached you can find the .md file with the spanish translation for FSF
supporter ready to be published!


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