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Re: [FSF] September issue of the Free Software Supporter for translation

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] September issue of the Free Software Supporter for translation
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 20:11:59 +0200

El 10/9/19 a las 18:35, victorhck escribió:
> Hello listmates!
> You have done a great work with translations!!
> I made a new proofreading. Fixed some typos, a bunch of markdown marks,
> improved a few translations, etc...
> Please make a new proofreading and reply to mailing list.
> Greetings!

Hello again.

Since nobody has reply to this thread, I have made a new proofreading,
fixed some typos and improving translations.

Dana attached you can find the final version in .md format ready to be
published. (I remind you again about a clickable TOC for the supporter ;) )


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