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Re: [FSF] upcycle windows 7 translation

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] upcycle windows 7 translation
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 15:33:13 +0100

El 27/1/20 a las 16:08, Dana Morgenstein escribió:
> We would love to see a translation! Please let me know when these are
> ready and I'll pass them on to team members who will make them live on
> the site.
> On 1/25/20 4:07 PM, victorhck wrote:
>> Hi listmates
>> The FSF has launch a campaign to ask Microsoft to release Windows 7
>> under a free software license[1]
>> I had made a spanish translation to help spread the word to get more
>> supporters, the goal ot to reach to 7.777
>> The translation is in the pad service[2]
>> Maybe someone can improve the translation (there are many words hard to
>> translate, I did the best I know!)
>> And maybe someone else want to also translate the signing webpage[3]
>> (don't konw if this can be useful too?)
>> Greetings!!
>> [1]
>> https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/tell-microsoft-to-upcycle-windows-7-set-it-free
>> [2] https://pad.april.org/p/upcycle_windows7
>> [3] https://www.fsf.org/windows/upcycle-windows-7

nobody for a proofreading or peer review?


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