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[Fsuk-manchester] MFS Twitter?

From: Jonathan Davis
Subject: [Fsuk-manchester] MFS Twitter?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 10:59:58 +0100

Hello all,

Just thought I'd make a quick suggestion regarding a Twitter account for Manchester Free Software. I know many of you probably aren't fans of the non-free technology involved, although like Facebook (where we do currently have a presence) I would argue that it's becoming a necessary evil. I think an account would come in handy for people to be able to keep track of the meetings, special events such as Software Freedom Day, along with any other news or location changes. This would also allow people to 'mention' and 'retweet' us to promote our activities more widely and effectively.

Most other local groups have a Twitter presence, for example; MadLab[1], Manchester GirlGeeks[2], BarCamp Manchester[3], Manchester WordPress User Group[4].

I'd be quite happy to run such an account on behalf of the group if required, but I thought I would ask for people's opinions on whether it would be useful or not?


[1] http://twitter.com/madlabuk
[2] http://twitter.com/mancggd
[3] http://twitter.com/bcman3
[4] http://twitter.com/mwug

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