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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Konstantinos Poulios
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 23:59:32 -0500 (EST)

branch: integration-point-variables
commit 89ee4f3edd5d6c8b089d3f74e8e9b119483f885f
Author: Konstantinos Poulios <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Jan 30 05:56:19 2019 +0100

    White space changes
 src/getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h | 238 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/       |  24 ++--
 2 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h 
index 278e7ba..6aa3b5e 100644
--- a/src/getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h
@@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ namespace getfem {
   // Dummy linesearch for the newton with step control
   struct newton_search_with_step_control : public abstract_newton_line_search {
     virtual void init_search(double /*r*/, size_t /*git*/, double /*R0*/ = 0.0)
     { GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Not to be used"); }
     virtual double next_try(void)
     { GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Not to be used"); }
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     newton_search_with_step_control() {}
   struct quadratic_newton_line_search : public abstract_newton_line_search {
     double R0_, R1_;
@@ -408,9 +408,11 @@ namespace getfem {
   template <typename PB>
-  void Newton_with_step_control(PB &pb, gmm::iteration &iter,
-                            const abstract_linear_solver<typename PB::MATRIX,
-                            typename PB::VECTOR> &linear_solver) {
+  void Newton_with_step_control
+  (PB &pb, gmm::iteration &iter,
+   const abstract_linear_solver<typename PB::MATRIX,
+                                typename PB::VECTOR> &linear_solver)
+  {
     typedef typename gmm::linalg_traits<typename PB::VECTOR>::value_type T;
     typedef typename gmm::number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
     gmm::iteration iter_linsolv0 = iter;
@@ -436,103 +438,103 @@ namespace getfem {
     // GMM_ASSERT1(ls, "Internal error");
     size_type nit = 0, stagn = 0;
     R coeff = R(2);
     scalar_type crit = pb.residual_norm() / approx_eln;
     if (iter.finished(crit)) return;
     for(;;) {
       crit = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha))
-       / approx_eln;
-      if (!iter.converged(crit)) { 
-       gmm::iteration iter_linsolv = iter_linsolv0;
-       if (iter.get_noisy() > 1)
-         cout << "starting tangent matrix computation" << endl;
-       int is_singular = 1;
-       while (is_singular) { // Linear system solve
-         pb.compute_tangent_matrix();
-         gmm::clear(dr);
-         gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(pb.residual(), pb.scale_residual()), b);
-         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(b0,alpha-R(1)), b);
-         if (iter.get_noisy() > 1) cout << "starting linear solver" << endl;
-         iter_linsolv.init();
-         linear_solver(pb.tangent_matrix(), dr, b, iter_linsolv);
-         if (!iter_linsolv.converged()) {
-           is_singular++;
-           if (is_singular <= 4) {
-             if (iter.get_noisy())
-               cout << "Singular tangent matrix:"
-                 " perturbation of the state vector." << endl;
-             pb.perturbation();
-             pb.compute_residual();
-           } else {
-             if (iter.get_noisy())
-               cout << "Singular tangent matrix: perturbation failed, "
-                    << "aborting." << endl;
-             return;
-           }
-         }
-         else is_singular = 0;
-       }
-       if (iter.get_noisy() > 1) cout << "linear solver done" << endl;
-       gmm::add(dr, pb.state_vector());
-       pb.compute_residual();
-       R res = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
-       R dec = R(1)/R(2), coeff2 = coeff * R(1.5);
-       while (dec > R(1E-5) && res >= res0 * coeff) {
-         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(dr, -dec), pb.state_vector());
-         pb.compute_residual();
-         R res2 = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
-         if (res2 < res*R(0.95) || res2 >= res0 * coeff2) {
-           dec /= R(2); res = res2; coeff2 *= R(1.5);
-         } else {
-           gmm::add(gmm::scaled(dr, dec), pb.state_vector());
-           break;
-         }
-       }
-       dec *= R(2);
-       nit++;
-       coeff = std::max(R(1.05), coeff*R(0.93));
-       bool near_end = (iter.get_iteration() > iter.get_maxiter()/2);
-       bool cut = (alpha < R(1)) && near_end;
-       if ((res > minres && nit > 4) || cut) {
-         stagn++;
-         if ((stagn > 10 && alpha > alpha0 + R(5E-2)) || cut) {
-           alpha = (alpha + alpha0) / R(2);
-           if (near_end) alpha = R(1);
-           gmm::copy(Xi, pb.state_vector());
-           pb.compute_residual();
-           res = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
-           nit = 0;
-           stagn = 0; coeff = R(2);
-         }
-       }
-       if (res < minres || (alpha == R(1) &&  nit < 10)) stagn = 0;
-       res0 = res;
-       if (nit < 5) minres = res0; else minres = std::min(minres, res0);
-       if (iter.get_noisy())
-         cout << "step control [" << std::setw(8) << alpha0 << ","
-              << std::setw(8) << alpha << "," << std::setw(10) << dec <<  "]";
-       ++iter;
-       // crit = std::min(res / approx_eln, 
-       //              gmm::vect_norm1(dr) / std::max(1E-25,pb.state_norm()));
-       crit = res / approx_eln;
+        / approx_eln;
+      if (!iter.converged(crit)) {
+        gmm::iteration iter_linsolv = iter_linsolv0;
+        if (iter.get_noisy() > 1)
+          cout << "starting tangent matrix computation" << endl;
+        int is_singular = 1;
+        while (is_singular) { // Linear system solve
+          pb.compute_tangent_matrix();
+          gmm::clear(dr);
+          gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(pb.residual(), pb.scale_residual()), b);
+          gmm::add(gmm::scaled(b0,alpha-R(1)), b);
+          if (iter.get_noisy() > 1) cout << "starting linear solver" << endl;
+          iter_linsolv.init();
+          linear_solver(pb.tangent_matrix(), dr, b, iter_linsolv);
+          if (!iter_linsolv.converged()) {
+            is_singular++;
+            if (is_singular <= 4) {
+              if (iter.get_noisy())
+                cout << "Singular tangent matrix:"
+                  " perturbation of the state vector." << endl;
+              pb.perturbation();
+              pb.compute_residual();
+            } else {
+              if (iter.get_noisy())
+                cout << "Singular tangent matrix: perturbation failed, "
+                     << "aborting." << endl;
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+          else is_singular = 0;
+        }
+        if (iter.get_noisy() > 1) cout << "linear solver done" << endl;
+        gmm::add(dr, pb.state_vector());
+        pb.compute_residual();
+        R res = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
+        R dec = R(1)/R(2), coeff2 = coeff * R(1.5);
+        while (dec > R(1E-5) && res >= res0 * coeff) {
+          gmm::add(gmm::scaled(dr, -dec), pb.state_vector());
+          pb.compute_residual();
+          R res2 = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
+          if (res2 < res*R(0.95) || res2 >= res0 * coeff2) {
+            dec /= R(2); res = res2; coeff2 *= R(1.5);
+          } else {
+            gmm::add(gmm::scaled(dr, dec), pb.state_vector());
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        dec *= R(2);
+        nit++;
+        coeff = std::max(R(1.05), coeff*R(0.93));
+        bool near_end = (iter.get_iteration() > iter.get_maxiter()/2);
+        bool cut = (alpha < R(1)) && near_end;
+        if ((res > minres && nit > 4) || cut) {
+          stagn++;
+          if ((stagn > 10 && alpha > alpha0 + R(5E-2)) || cut) {
+            alpha = (alpha + alpha0) / R(2);
+            if (near_end) alpha = R(1);
+            gmm::copy(Xi, pb.state_vector());
+            pb.compute_residual();
+            res = gmm::vect_dist1(pb.residual(), gmm::scaled(b0, R(1)-alpha));
+            nit = 0;
+            stagn = 0; coeff = R(2);
+          }
+        }
+        if (res < minres || (alpha == R(1) &&  nit < 10)) stagn = 0;
+        res0 = res;
+        if (nit < 5) minres = res0; else minres = std::min(minres, res0);
+        if (iter.get_noisy())
+          cout << "step control [" << std::setw(8) << alpha0 << ","
+               << std::setw(8) << alpha << "," << std::setw(10) << dec <<  "]";
+        ++iter;
+        // crit = std::min(res / approx_eln,
+        //                gmm::vect_norm1(dr) / 
+        crit = res / approx_eln;
       if (iter.finished(crit)) {
-       if (iter.converged() && alpha < R(1)) {
-         R a = alpha;
-         alpha = std::min(R(1), alpha*R(3) - alpha0*R(2));
-         alpha0 = a;
-         gmm::copy(pb.state_vector(), Xi);
-         nit = 0; stagn = 0; coeff = R(2);
-       } else return;
+        if (iter.converged() && alpha < R(1)) {
+          R a = alpha;
+          alpha = std::min(R(1), alpha*R(3) - alpha0*R(2));
+          alpha0 = a;
+          gmm::copy(pb.state_vector(), Xi);
+          nit = 0; stagn = 0; coeff = R(2);
+        } else return;
@@ -544,9 +546,11 @@ namespace getfem {
   /* ***************************************************************** */
   template <typename PB>
-  void classical_Newton(PB &pb, gmm::iteration &iter,
-                        const abstract_linear_solver<typename PB::MATRIX,
-                        typename PB::VECTOR> &linear_solver) {
+  void classical_Newton
+  (PB &pb, gmm::iteration &iter,
+   const abstract_linear_solver<typename PB::MATRIX,
+                                typename PB::VECTOR> &linear_solver)
+  {
     typedef typename gmm::linalg_traits<typename PB::VECTOR>::value_type T;
     typedef typename gmm::number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
     gmm::iteration iter_linsolv0 = iter;
@@ -750,10 +754,10 @@ namespace getfem {
     if (md.is_symmetric())
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_distributed_mumps_sym<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_distributed_mumps_sym<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
-       return std::make_shared
-         <linear_solver_distributed_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        return std::make_shared
+          <linear_solver_distributed_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
     size_type ndof = md.nb_dof(), max3d = 15000, dim = md.leading_dimension();
@@ -762,24 +766,24 @@ namespace getfem {
     if ((ndof<300000 && dim<=2) || (ndof<max3d && dim<=3) || (ndof<1000)) {
       if (md.is_symmetric())
-       return std::make_shared<linear_solver_mumps_sym<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        return std::make_shared<linear_solver_mumps_sym<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
-       return std::make_shared<linear_solver_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        return std::make_shared<linear_solver_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
 # else
       return std::make_shared<linear_solver_superlu<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
 # endif
     else {
       if (md.is_coercive())
-       return std::make_shared
-         <linear_solver_cg_preconditioned_ildlt<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        return std::make_shared
+          <linear_solver_cg_preconditioned_ildlt<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
       else {
         if (dim <= 2)
-         return std::make_shared
-           <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilut<MATRIX,VECTOR>>();
-         else
-           return std::make_shared
-             <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilu<MATRIX,VECTOR>>();
+          return std::make_shared
+            <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilut<MATRIX,VECTOR>>();
+          else
+            return std::make_shared
+              <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilu<MATRIX,VECTOR>>();
@@ -800,7 +804,7 @@ namespace getfem {
       return std::make_shared<linear_solver_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
 # else
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_distributed_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_distributed_mumps<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
 # endif
       GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Mumps is not interfaced");
@@ -808,16 +812,16 @@ namespace getfem {
     else if (bgeot::casecmp(name, "cg/ildlt") == 0)
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_cg_preconditioned_ildlt<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_cg_preconditioned_ildlt<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
     else if (bgeot::casecmp(name, "gmres/ilu") == 0)
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilu<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilu<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
     else if (bgeot::casecmp(name, "gmres/ilut") == 0)
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilut<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilut<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
     else if (bgeot::casecmp(name, "gmres/ilutp") == 0)
       return std::make_shared
-       <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilutp<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
+        <linear_solver_gmres_preconditioned_ilutp<MATRIX, VECTOR>>();
     else if (bgeot::casecmp(name, "auto") == 0)
       return default_linear_solver<MATRIX, VECTOR>(md);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 00da7d2..2a45398 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace getfem {
   static rmodel_plsolver_type rdefault_linear_solver(const model &md) {
     return default_linear_solver<model_real_sparse_matrix,
-  } 
+  }
   static cmodel_plsolver_type cdefault_linear_solver(const model &md) {
     return default_linear_solver<model_complex_sparse_matrix,
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     max_ratio_reached = false;
-  double default_newton_line_search::next_try(void) {
+  double default_newton_line_search::next_try() {
     alpha_old = alpha; ++it;
     // alpha *= 0.5;
     if (alpha >= 0.4) alpha *= 0.5; else alpha *= alpha_mult;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     // cout << "r = " << r << " alpha = " << alpha_old << " count_pat = " << 
count_pat << endl;
     if (!max_ratio_reached && r < first_res * alpha_max_ratio) {
       alpha_max_ratio_reached = alpha_old; r_max_ratio_reached = r;
-      it_max_ratio_reached = it; max_ratio_reached = true; 
+      it_max_ratio_reached = it; max_ratio_reached = true;
     if (max_ratio_reached &&
         r < r_max_ratio_reached * 0.5 &&
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ namespace getfem {
     if (count == 0 || r < conv_r)
       { conv_r = r; conv_alpha = alpha_old; count = 1; }
     if (conv_r < first_res) ++count;
     if (r < first_res *  alpha_min_ratio)
-      { count_pat = 0; return true; }      
+      { count_pat = 0; return true; }
     if (count>=5 || (alpha < alpha_min && max_ratio_reached) || alpha<1e-15) {
       if (conv_r < first_res * 0.99) count_pat = 0;
       if (/*gmm::random() * 50. < -log(conv_alpha)-4.0 ||*/ count_pat >= 3)
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ namespace getfem {
   /* ***************************************************************** */
   template <typename MATRIX, typename VECTOR, typename PLSOLVER>
-    void compute_init_values(model &md, gmm::iteration &iter,
-                             PLSOLVER lsolver,
-                             abstract_newton_line_search &ls, const MATRIX &K,
-                             const VECTOR &rhs) {
+  void compute_init_values(model &md, gmm::iteration &iter,
+                           PLSOLVER lsolver,
+                           abstract_newton_line_search &ls, const MATRIX &K,
+                           const VECTOR &rhs) {
     VECTOR state(md.nb_dof());
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     scalar_type dt = md.get_time_step();
     scalar_type ddt = md.get_init_time_step();
     scalar_type t = md.get_time();
     // Solve for ddt
     gmm::iteration iter1 = iter;
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ namespace getfem {
     else {
       model_pb<MATRIX, VECTOR> mdpb(md, ls, state, rhs, K);
       if (dynamic_cast<newton_search_with_step_control *>(&ls))
-       Newton_with_step_control(mdpb, iter, *lsolver);
+        Newton_with_step_control(mdpb, iter, *lsolver);
-       classical_Newton(mdpb, iter, *lsolver);
+        classical_Newton(mdpb, iter, *lsolver);
     md.to_variables(state); // copy the state vector into the model variables

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