% -*- matlab -*- (enables emacs matlab mode) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % parameters for program xfem_dirichlet % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NU = 1.0; % Viscosity coefficient. QUAD = 0; N = 2; RADIUS = 0.21; % radius of the real circular domain. LEVEL_SET_DEGREE = 1; % Degree of the piecewise polynomial. EXACT_SOL = 1; % For different exact solutions SIMPLIFY_LEVEL_SET = 0; STABILIZED_DIRICHLET = 0; % 0 = no, 1 = Barbosa-Hughes stab, 2 = fully stab. MINIMAL_ELT_RATIO = 0.005; % threshold ratio for the fully stab Dirichlet. DIRICHLET_GAMMA0 = 0.05 %0.000000000001; % Barbosa Hughes stabilization parameter OK = 0; if (N == 1) MESH_FILE='structured:GT="GT_PK(1,1)";SIZES=[1];NOISED=0;NSUBDIV=[10]'; IM = 'IM_GAUSS1D(6)'; % Integration method. IM_SIMPLEX = IM; % Integration method on sub-triangles. FEM = 'FEM_PK(1,1)'; % Finite element method for the unknown. FEM_RHS = FEM; % Finite element method for the rhs FEM_MULT = 'FEM_PK(1,1)'; % Finite element method for multipliers OK = 1; end; if (N == 2 && QUAD) MESH_FILE='structured:GT="GT_QK(2,2)";SIZES=[1,1];NOISED=0;NSUBDIV=[40,40]'; IM = 'IM_GAUSS_PARALLELEPIPED(2,6)'; % Integration method. IM_SIMPLEX = 'IM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(IM_TRIANGLE(6),2)'; % Integration method on sub-triangles. FEM = 'FEM_QK(2,2)'; % Finite element method for the velocity u. FEM_RHS = 'FEM_QK(2,3)'; % Finite element method for the rhs FEM_p = 'FEM_QK(2,1)'; % Finite element method for the pressure p. % FEM = 'FEM_PRODUCT(FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(1,1), FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(1,1))'; % Finite element method for the unknown. FEM_MULT = 'FEM_QK(2,0)'; % Finite element method for multipliers OK = 1; end; if (N == 2 && ~QUAD) MESH_FILE='structured:GT="GT_PK(2,2)";SIZES=[1,1];NOISED=0;NSUBDIV=[20,20]'; % MESH_FILE = 'gmshv2:seb1.msh'; % IM = 'IM_HCT_COMPOSITE(IM_TRIANGLE(6))'; IM = 'IM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(IM_TRIANGLE(9),2)'; % Integration method. IM_SIMPLEX = 'IM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(IM_TRIANGLE(9),2)'; FEM = 'FEM_PK(2,2)'; % Finite element method for the velocity u. FEM_RHS = 'FEM_PK(2,3)'; % Finite element method for the rhs FEM_p = 'FEM_PK(2,1)'; % Finite element method for the pressure p. FEM_MULT = 'FEM_PK(2,0)'; % Finite element method for multipliers OK = 1; end; if (N == 3 && ~QUAD) MESH_FILE='structured:GT="GT_PK(3,1)";SIZES=[1,1,1];NOISED=0;NSUBDIV=[3,3,3]'; IM = 'IM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(IM_TETRAHEDRON(6),1)'; % Integration method. IM_SIMPLEX = 'IM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(IM_TETRAHEDRON(6),1)'; FEM = 'FEM_PK(3,2)'; % Finite element method for the unknown. FEM_RHS = FEM; % Finite element method for the rhs FEM_MULT = 'FEM_PK(3,1)'; % Finite element method for multipliers FEM_MULT_DEGREE = 1; % Degree for multipliers definition OK = 1; end; if (~OK) error ('Adapt the parameter file first'); end; %%%%% saving parameters %%%%% ROOTFILENAME = 'xfem_dirichlet'; % Root of data files. VTK_EXPORT = 2 % export solution to a .vtk file ? % FEM = 'FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(2,1)'; % FEM = 'FEM_P1_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_BUBBLE';