digraph YsagoonGame { // ressources node [shape=ellipse]; // ressources found in the water water [label="Water", color=cyan]; seaweed [label="Seaweed", color=green]; fish [label="Fish", color=red]; // ressources found on the ground corn [label="Corn", color="#C0A000"]; tree [label="Tree", color=brown]; stone [label="Stone", color=grey]; ostrichEgg [label="Ostrich Egg", color=violet]; // buildings node [shape=house]; // food & health related house [label="House\nOut : Units"]; hospital [label="Hospital"]; // defense related woodenFence [label="Wooden Fence"]; woodenTower [label="Wooden tower"]; stoneFence [label="Stone Fence"]; stoneTower [label="Stone tower"]; // ressource related stock [label="Stock\nIn : All\nOut : All"]; cornField [label="Corn Field\nOut : Corn", color="#C0A000"]; oilFactory [label="Oil factory\nOut : Oil", color="#E06060"]; bakery [label="Bakery\nOut : Bread", color=orange]; foundry [label="Foundry\nOut : Metal", color="#4040A0"]; // advanced ostrichFarm [label="Ostrich Farm"]; transportFactory [label="Transport Tool Factory"]; shieldFactory [label="Shield Factory"]; leadershipSchool [label="Leadership School"]; // ressources needed once to create building edge [style=dotted]; tree -> { house hospital woodenFence woodenTower stock cornField oilFactory bakery foundry ostrichFarm transportFactory shieldFactory leadershipSchool } [color=brown]; stone -> { hospital stoneFence stoneTower bakery foundry transportFactory shieldFactory leadershipSchool } [color=grey]; corn -> { cornField } [color="#C0A000"]; // ressources needed regularly to use building edge [style=solid]; // food & health related fish -> house [color=red]; bakery -> house [color=orange]; water -> hospital [color=cyan]; fish -> hospital [color=red]; bakery -> hospital [color=orange]; oilFactory -> hospital [color="#E06060"]; // ressource related water -> cornField [color=cyan]; seaweed -> oilFactory [color=green]; water -> bakery [color=cyan]; corn -> bakery [color="#C0A000"]; cornField -> bakery [color="#C0A000"]; oilFactory -> bakery [color="#E06060"]; stone -> foundry [color=grey]; oilFactory -> foundry [color="#E06060"]; // advanced water -> ostrichFarm [color=cyan]; corn -> ostrichFarm [color="#C0A000"]; cornField -> ostrichFarm [color="#C0A000"]; ostrichEgg -> ostrichFarm [color=violet]; tree -> transportFactory [color=brown]; foundry -> shieldFactory [color="#4040A0"]; water -> leadershipSchool [color=cyan]; oilFactory -> leadershipSchool [color="#E06060"]; // upgrade relationship edge [style=dashed]; // defense related woodenFence -> woodenTower; woodenFence -> stoneFence; woodenTower -> stoneTower; stoneFence -> stoneTower; }