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[Global-commit] global/gtags-cscope find.c

From: Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Subject: [Global-commit] global/gtags-cscope find.c
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 22:47:13 -0500 (EST)

CVSROOT:        /sources/global
Module name:    global
Changes by:     Shigio YAMAGUCHI <shigio>       17/12/29 22:47:13

Modified files:
        gtags-cscope   : find.c 

Log message:
        [Bug fixed]
        The return value of quote_shell was changed by another call.
        Now it works.
        Reported by Hideki IWAMOTO.
        Your changes made gtags-cscope unusable in my environment.
        Before the return value of quote_shell is used
        string pointed to by the return value is changed by another call.
        Since the order in which arguments to functions are evaluated is
        an unspecified behavior,
        You can not assume that "quote_shell(global_command) in common()
        will be executed before quote_shell(pattern)".


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