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[Glug-nith-discuss] ArchLinux

From: Arjun Shankar
Subject: [Glug-nith-discuss] ArchLinux
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 16:35:04 +0530
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.12-2006-07-14

I just installed this new distribution called ArchLinux :)

It's really really fast compared to the average binary distribution,
being optimized for 686 machines, and comparable to source based distros
like Sourcemage and Gentoo in speed. The installer is very unforgiving, and
configuration is even worse. But once I got it to work, it's like a
dream come true. (FYI, the manual recommends that you install only the
base packages, i.e. not even xorg/gnome or xorg/kde or whatever)

For those who want to _learn_ more about how GNU/Linux works, this is
one great playground. However, they havent bothered to differentiate
between _free_ and _non-free_ stuff. So if you are a real Free Software
cultist, either steer clear, or be really careful about what you

Learn more here:


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