I get the following on the servers:
2008-07-22 19:27:59 C [dict.c:1141:data_to_str] dict: @data=(nil)
2008-07-22 19:44:21 W [posix.c:1665:posix_setxattr] share3pre0: Extended
attributes not supported, Try using a backend with Extended attribute
The client complains about the following:
2008-07-22 22:30:24 E [afr.c:1145:afr_setxattr_cbk] mirror7: (path=/cp
child=share7-1) op_ret=-1 op_errno=95(Operation not supported)
2008-07-22 22:30:24 E [afr.c:1145:afr_setxattr_cbk] mirror7: (path=/cp
child=share7-0) op_ret=-1 op_errno=95(Operation not supported)
But the storage is all mounted with user_xattr (and this configuration was
working until I updated to the latest tla and restarted the glusterfsd and
glusterfs processes). I tested with setfattr and getfattr, and they work
just fine on the underlying storage. Weird.
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Amar S. Tumballi wrote:
My tests were ok on latest branch, (though there were changes in chmod of
posix, added lchmod (which is not present on all the platforms), if lchmod
is not present it should do 'chmod'). But fchmod was not touched.
Is there any hints in log files? (mainly server log file. but surely check
client log file too).
2008/7/22 Brent A Nelson <address@hidden>:
I'm getting I/O errors with cp -a and cp -p in the latest tla of the 1.4
fchmod(4, 0100755) = -1 EIO (Input/output error)
Is something awry?
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Amar Tumballi
Gluster/GlusterFS Hacker
[bulde on #gluster/irc.gnu.org]
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