You have 4 servers and one client. Each server has to export 2
directories /raid01a and /raid01b (FUSE do not play any role on the
servers). On the client machine the glusterfs mounts using the client
vol file combining all the exported directories. This would be a
typical setup in your case. How is your setup? Can you mail the client
vol file? According to your mail creation of directory fails. But
creation/read/write of files are fine. Right?
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Jake Maul <
address@hidden> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 3:55 AM, At Work <address@hidden> wrote:
Thank you for your rapid reply. Just one question: by "leave your fstab
mount alone" do you mean leave it mount the xfs disk on startup?
Yes. Mount your XFS partition via fstab as you normally would.
As for the rest.... dunno what to tell ya. Maybe one of the glusterfs
devs can chime in with some ideas.
Good luck,
This problem is odd to say the least - when I do a 'mount' after activating
the glusterfs client and cluster on Leopard, I get the following:
glusterfs on /Volumes/raid0102a (fusefs, local, synchronous)
...and on the Debian host server I get:
fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) # seems to be a
fuse connection - should fuse-accessible mounts go here?
/dev/sdb1 on /raid01a type xfs (rw) # raid block a
/dev/sdc1 on /raid01b type xfs (rw) # raid block b
...and in the glusterfs log I get:
2009-01-02 11:06:42 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 576 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:06:42 E [fuse-bridge.c:703:do_chmod] glusterfs-fuse: 2: CHMOD
576 ((null)) (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
2009-01-02 11:06:42 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 576 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:06:42 E [fuse-bridge.c:581:fuse_getattr] glusterfs-fuse: 1:
GETATTR 576 (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
2009-01-02 11:08:16 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 578 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:08:16 E [fuse-bridge.c:2193:fuse_getxattr] glusterfs-fuse: 2:
GETXATTR (null)/578 ( (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
2009-01-02 11:08:16 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 578 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:08:16 E [fuse-bridge.c:2193:fuse_getxattr] glusterfs-fuse: 2:
GETXATTR (null)/578 ( (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
2009-01-02 11:08:17 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 578 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:08:17 E [fuse-bridge.c:2193:fuse_getxattr] glusterfs-fuse: 0:
GETXATTR (null)/578 ( (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
2009-01-02 11:09:58 E [fuse-bridge.c:279:fuse_loc_fill] fuse-bridge: failed
to search parent for 578 ((null))
2009-01-02 11:09:58 E [fuse-bridge.c:581:fuse_getattr] glusterfs-fuse: 1:
GETATTR 578 (fuse_loc_fill() failed)
...and the last two lines are repeated every few minutes.
Am I correct in understanding that I have no need for FUSE on the Debian
servers? There seems to be a bridge-failure of some sort going on here.
On Jan 2, 2009, at 08:34 , Jake Maul wrote:
On the brick server (the content server... the one with the
XFS-formatted volume), FUSE is actually not used or even needed as far
as I can tell. Leave your fstab mount alone, and treat GlusterFS as a
pure replacement for NFS's /etc/exports.
FUSE only comes into play on the client side, where it's no longer
relevant what the underlying filesystem is. If I'm reading you right,
your XServe is the client in this scenario. Perhaps Mac OSX's FUSE
implementation is strange somehow, I'm not familiar with it.
Otherwise, it sounds to me like you're doing it right. Sounds like
either a permissions problem or a bug somewhere (first guesses would
be Mac OSX's FUSE, or GlusterFS client on OSX).
On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 11:55 PM, address@hidden <address@hidden>
Dear All,
I'm afraid I'm a bit new to this. I hope I'm not missing the obvious, but
all the documentation I can't seem to find a clear answer to my problem.
I have a head server (Leopard X serve) that will be used as a mount point
for four sub-servers (Debian Etch) that each have two SATA RAID 5 blocks
running an XFS filesystem.
Before I switched to glusterfs, I would do an NFS export (/etc/exports)
the XFS filesystem mounted in /etc/fstab. I have since cancelled
out) the NFS export, but I am not quite sure what to do about the fstab:
Should I mount the drives using this file, then export the filesystem
glusterfs? Or should it be glusterfs doing the mounting? What role does
have in the mount operation?
The RAID drives are at /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc, and their filesystems are
accessible at /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 - should I be mounting these with
glusterfs (instead of mounting them to a folder in the server root as I
doing presently)?
With my present configuration, all works correctly if I mount the raid
drives individually, yet when I mirror two drives across two servers
AFS things get wonky - I can upload files to a folder (and see that they
have indeed been replicated to both drives), yet I am unable to create a
folder (it becomes an inaccessible icon).
Thank you for any advice.
J.M. Schomburg.
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