On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Jeff Darcy <
address@hidden> wrote:
> I've long felt that our ways of dealing with cluster membership and staging of
> config changes is not quite as robust and scalable as we might want.
> Accordingly, I spent a bit of time a couple of weeks ago looking into the
> possibility of using ZooKeeper to do some of this stuff. Yeah, it brings in a
> heavy Java dependency, but when I looked at some lighter-weight alternatives
> they all seemed to be lacking in more important ways. Basically the idea was
> to do this:
> * Set up the first N (e.g. N=3) nodes in our cluster as ZooKeeper servers, or
> point everyone at an existing ZooKeeper cluster.
> * Use ZK ephemeral nodes as a way to track cluster membership ("peer probe"
> merely updates ZK, and "peer status" merely reads from it).
> * Store config information in ZK *once* instead of regenerating volfiles etc.
> on every node (and dealing with the ugly cases where a node was down when the
> config change happened).
> * Set watches on ZK nodes to be notified when config changes happen, and
> respond appropriately.
> I eventually ran out of time and moved on to other things, but this or
> something like it (e.g. using Riak Core) still seems like a better approach
> than what we have. In that context, it looks like ZkFarmer[1] might be a big
> help. AFAICT someone else was trying to solve almost exactly the same kind of
> server/config problem that we have, and wrapped their solution into a library.
> Is this a direction other devs might be interested in pursuing some day,
> if/when time allows?
> [1]