From: "Vijay Bellur" <address@hidden>
- there's been a lot of work on UFO/gluster-swift - do you know if this will be
included? Or will that be released separately on its own schedule?
The release can be done separately as the UFO/gluster-swift changes are
not dependent on a specific release of GlusterFS. Kaleb, your thoughts
on this?
Based on my email last week to this list and our scrum call this morning, we
want to move to Folsom as soon as it's practical.
Our tentative plan is to jump to Openstack Swift Folsom (1.7.4). Shortly, we'll
put a new UFO tarball up on download.g.o based on this.
Maybe we'll put up an intermediate tarball based on Essex (1.4.8) first?
As those happen I'll package them for Fedora 18, and in my repo for earlier
versions of Fedora.
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