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Re: [Gm2] A SET error, perhaps?

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Gm2] A SET error, perhaps?
Date: 19 Apr 2006 15:04:27 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

John O Goyo <address@hidden> writes:

> Greetings:
> I believe the following to be correct (and compiles with GPM and
> XDS). I threw in HALT so as to have some sort of conditional without
> importing anything.
> =========================================
> MODULE bits;
>    Colour = SET OF (red, green, blue);
>    sky, land :Colour;
>    sky := Colour{red, blue};
>    land := Colour{green};
>    IF land <= sky THEN
>       HALT
>    END (*IF*)
> END bits.
> =========================================
> Gm2 begs to differ:
> % gm2 -c bits.mod
> bits.mod:4:symbol (Colour) is already declared in this scope, use a
> different name or remove the declaration
> bits.mod:4:and symbol (Colour) is also declared here
> Please advise.

Hi John,

I've now fixed this bug and checked the patches into CVS,

thanks for the report,

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