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[Gm2] ubuntu 10.10 and gm2

From: rob solomon
Subject: [Gm2] ubuntu 10.10 and gm2
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 21:25:08 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101208 Thunderbird/3.1.7

The following screen1.mod was compiled using
  gm2 screen1.mod

And gave the errors that follows.  I don't have any idea how to fix them.

MODULE screen1;
(* CONST *) Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White,
(* TYPE *) WINDOW, chtype, chstring, ATTRIBUTE, COLORPAIR,
            stdscr, curscr, newscr, ttytype,
(* PROCECURE *) curses_version, assume_default_colors, use_default_colors, start_color, resizeterm, wresize,
addch, addchnstr, addchstr, addnstr, addstr, has_colors, getch,
baudrate, beep, bkgd, bkgdset, border, box, can_change_color, cbreak,
clear, wclear, wrefresh,
wmove, waddch, wcolor_set, initscr, savetty, resetty, delwin, endwin,
isendwin, init_pair,  noecho, nonl, trace;

FROM SysPause IMPORT Pause;

        w : WINDOW;
        i : INTEGER;
        c : chtype;

         stdscr := initscr;
   i := assume_default_colors (Black, White);
   i := use_default_colors;
   i := start_color;

   move(5, 15);
(*   printw("%s", "Hello World"); *)



   i := endwin;

END screen1.

ncurses.def:50:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:51:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:51:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:51:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:51:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:51:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:52:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:52:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:52:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:52:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:52:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:52:4: error: identifier (h) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:53:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:53:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:53:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:53:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:53:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:53:4: error: identifier (h) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:54:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:54:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:54:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:54:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:54:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:54:4: error: identifier (h) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:55:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:55:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:55:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:55:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:55:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:55:4: error: identifier (h) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:56:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:56:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:56:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:56:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:56:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:56:4: error: identifier (h) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:62:4: error: syntax error, `=' missing
ncurses.def:62:4: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:62:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:62:4: error: expecting one of: NOT ( integer number real number __ATTRIBUTE__ { identifier string - +
ncurses.def:62:4: error: syntax error, found `='
ncurses.def:92:1: error: syntax error, `;' missing
ncurses.def:492:13: error: identifier (killchar) has already been exported from MODULE ncurses
ncurses.def:822:2: error: compilation failed
ncurses.def:648:typedef int (*NCURSES_OUTC)(int);
ncurses.def:648:            ^
ncurses.def:648:unterminated comment found at the end of the file, missing *)

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