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Re: An ICE that does not generate a full report

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: An ICE that does not generate a full report
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 12:02:03 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Alice Osako <> writes:

> Note: these files are modified from the ones in the M2PP GitHub repo.
> I've been experimenting with the BasicFileSys section of M2PP (configured for 
> GM2, ISO dialect, and the POSIX I/O libraries) and in order to provide the
> POSIX open() function (used in the procedure CreateFile()) I added a 
> fcntl.def FFI defining the function interface and relevant types; this file 
> in turn imports
> types from SysTypes.def . 
> However, when I compile BasicFileSys.mod , using the make target:
> bfsys: $(SRC)/BasicFileSys.mod $(INC)/BasicFileSys.def $(INC)/Size.def 
> $(INC)/stdio.def $(INC)/fcntl.def $(INC)/SysTypes.def
>     $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -I$(INC)/ -c $(SRC)/BasicFileSys.mod \
>     -o $(OBJ)/BasicFileSys.o
> I get the following error message:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> gm2 -g -fiso -freport-bug -Isrc/ -c src/imp/BasicFileSys.mod \
> -o obj/BasicFileSys.o
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'unsigned int'
> cc1gm2: internal compiler error: Aborted
> 0x22aca27 internal_error(char const*, ...)
>         ???:0
> 0x7f7b9bf3b6c7 gsignal
>         ???:0
> 0x7f7b9bf234b7 abort
>         ???:0
> 0x238251b __cxxabiv1::__terminate(void (*)())
>         ???:0
> 0x2382588 std::terminate()
>         ???:0
> 0x23826ec __cxa_throw
>         ???:0
> 0xc2de73 fold(tree_node*)
>         ???:0
> 0x95f787 m2convert_BuildConvert
>         ???:0
> 0x96259a m2expr_BuildIndirect
>         ???:0
> 0x9ac13b M2GenGCC_ConvertQuadsToTree
>         ???:0
> 0x9dafe6 M2Scope_ForeachScopeBlockDo2
>         ???:0
> 0x9907b4 M2Code_CodeBlock
>         ???:0
> 0x990bd3 M2Code_Code
>         ???:0
> 0x992430 M2Comp_compile
>         ???:0
> Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source.
> Please include the complete backtrace with any bug report.
> See <> for instructions.
> The bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Attached are the relevant modules and the Makefile. Again, just to be clear, 
> these files are modified from the ones in the M2PP GitHub repo. 

many thanks for the updated files - all very useful.  I'm 2/3 though the
bugfix for the constant expression relop - and will test against this


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