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Re: Fwd: gm2 frontend in gcc 14 (fedora 40) bug

From: Michael Riedl
Subject: Re: Fwd: gm2 frontend in gcc 14 (fedora 40) bug
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 22:46:23 +0200
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a definition like



           N := somevalue;

            FOR i:=N TO 0 BY -1 DO <loop body>  END;

is totally OK - that is nothing other than e.g.

          i:=N+1; WHILE (i > 0) DO DEC(i); <loop body> END;

hence I did not see a principle issue in your code ...

In most of my code I use CARDINALS if the value should never be negative - only the code I sent you is using INTEGERS because of the Fortran original.



Am 30.04.24 um 21:48 schrieb Gerald Kasner:
Hi Gaius,

more on this...if one changes the type of the loop variables from
cardinal to integer, the program runs fine.

For me it, seems a conflict of types in a loop variable:

In my understanding, I can count down a cardinal variable down to zero
by a (noncardinal negative step) down to zero.
Am I wrong?

Best, Gerald

Am 30.04.24 um 21:15 schrieb Gerald Kasner:
Hi Gaius,

I nailed it down to the back substitution loop over i:
(The old fashioned way)
The loop does not go down to 1 but exits at (in this case) at i=4.

I indicated the section in the attached code.
I hope this helps.

Best, Gerald

Am 29.04.24 um 19:59 schrieb Gaius Mulley:
Gerald Kasner <> writes:

Hi Gaius,

a quick test with gm2 (GCC) 14.0.1 20240411 (Red Hat 14.0.1-0) gave

wrong results with a simple Gaussian elimination, while older gm2-frontends

(gm2 (GCC) 13.2.1 20240316 (Red Hat 13.2.1-7)) give correct results

test compiled with:

gm2 -O2 -fiso testgauss.mod -lm

Result with version 13.2.1 :


Result with 14.0.1:


With  pivoted Gaussian elimination, the first three are NaN's.

Any idea's ???

testgauss.mod is attached here.

Regards, Gerald
Hi Gerald,

many thanks for the bug report - now under investigation.  I tried the
usual trick of:

$ gm2 -fiso -fm2-whole-program -fsoft-check-all -O0 testgauss.mod

but no runtime error was detected - I'm going to try check pointing next
(against gm2-13),


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