Gnash source code analysis. An attempt to understand how Gnash works ;-) Udo Giacomozzi, v0.1 Note I'm myself a beginner regarding Gnash and so some things mentioned here may be wrong. Also, I'm writing this from the perspective of a future backend developer, so I'll focus on that parts. I use "may", "appears", "I think" ... terminology here because currently simly everything is guessed in here. Once I get some parts confirmed I'll change this so that well known parts can be distinguished. NOTE: A quite nice intro to the SWF file format can be found at A somewhat outdated but useful class reference can be found at Player ------ There seem to be two gnash.cpp, one in gui/ and one in backend/, the latter being more than twice as big. However, it appears that the one in gui/ is the correct one because there has been some redesign of the internal Gnash architecture (support for multiple front-/backends). gnash.cpp is used for both the standalone and the plugin mode. First it uses the RcInitFile class from rc.cpp which checks the system for "gnashrc" files. This file can tell gnash to set some verbosity level, log file, security options, special settings and such. This may be useful when using gnash as a plugin. Then it goes on parsing the command line options which may override the RcInitFile settings and finally find the SWF file name. gnash.cpp registers some dummy callback function for the FSCommand function (which is used to interact with the player or web browser scripting). The dummy function does nothing except logging the call. The sound handlers are then being intialized, but I won't go any deeper there because it's currently far from my interest... get_movie_info() (from server/impl.cpp) is then used to read the header of the SWF file. The size of the stage, frame rate etc. are retrieved this way. The function raises an exception when an error occurrs. Compressed SWF files seem to be supported (using ZLIB). There are "movie_width" and "movie_height" variables that contain the original size of the movie, however they're already converted to pixels (SWF uses TWIPS, where 1 pixel=20 twips). Two additional variables, "width" and "height" contain the effective size of the player window with the "scale" parameter already applied. This is a command line option which sets the display ratio. Now the "Gui" class (protected via auto_ptr) is initialized. The macro GUI_CLASS is used to choose the correct implementing class (GtkGui, SDLGui, KdeGui or whatever). There is a special code fragment for the SDL GUI which calls a disableCoreTrap() function - probably a quick hack not really belonging there? It is possible to disable the renderer altogether via command line. In that case a special "NullGui" (see gui/NullGui.cpp) instance is used. The command line arguments are passed to the GUI, so that it may extract additional settings from it (?). The already-scaled width/height values and the SWF file name are passed to the GUI so that it may initialize/prepare it's window. Just like the Adobe/Macromedia SWF player the player tries to resize it's window to fit the size of the movie. create_library_movie() (from gui/gui.cpp) is then used to load the main SWF file into a "movie_definition" class. There is a nice intro in server/parser/movie_definition.h: /// SWF Movies definitions are created by reading an SWF stream. /// Gnash doesn't play SWF Movie definitions, but instances. /// So you can play the same SWF file (Movie definiton) using /// multiple instances. /// /// A Movie definition is defined by the gnash::movie_definition class. /// A Movie instance is defined by the gnash::movie_interface class. /// /// A Movie instance exposes the ActionScript /// Object base interface (gnash::as_object), /// thus it can manage gnash::as_value members. /// /// The implementation of SWF parsing for a Movie definition /// is found in gnash::movie_def_impl::read. /// Note that movie_definition is also used as a base class /// to sprite_definition, which is a sub-movie defined in an SWF /// file. This seems to be the only reason to have a /// movie_def_impl class, being the top-level definition of /// a movie (the one with a CharacterDictionary in it). That instance==interface is created using create_library_movie_inst() right after. Then the command line is scanned for FlashVars that should be pre-initialized. Using set_current_root() a global variable "s_current_root" is updated which probably reflects the current root MC ("_root" in Flash). This variable may be updated when an external movie is loaded and processed (via LoadMovieClip Flash command I guess). Viewport and background transparency are then reported to the GUI. The "delay" is calculated which is the amount of theoretical milliseconds between each frame (remember, the frame rate is fixed through the movie). This delay is reported to the GUI using setCallback(), which may be renamed to setDelay(). Using exit_timeout (-t parameter) it is possible to automatically exit the player after some seconds (I guess for debugging purposes?). Finally, "" is called to start the whole thing. The GUI ------- I'll continue my analysis using the GTK GUI and the Cairo backend. The class descendant is defined in gtksup.h and implemented in gtk.cpp. It does all the necessary stuff to initialize a GTK window. A class member named "glue" is the interface to the backend, in this case being the GtkCairoGlue class. It is initialized in GtkGui::Init (again passing command line parameters). The "Gui" base class already defines a member called "_renderer" which is the interface to the renderer class. The appropriate instance is created in GtkGui::createWindow(), which in turn is called from within the main program. The file "gtk_glue_cairo.cpp" apparently is the connection between the GUI and the backend. It contains the actual code to *create* the renderer instance by calling itself gdk_cairo_create(). It doesn't do much more useful and I did not yet find the reason for the "glue" class (just to avoid a few IFDEFs?). For clarity, here is the complete call stack for creating the renderer: gui/gnash.cpp -> gui.createWindow(infile, width, height); | gui/gtk.cpp -> _renderer = glue.createRenderHandler(); | gui/gtk_glue_cairo.cpp -> return create_render_handler_cairo(...); | backend/render_handler_cairo.cpp -> return new render_handler_cairo(); The frame delay (setCallback(), see above) is implemented using a GTK timer with low priority that calls the method "advance_movie" from the base Gui class (see gui/gui.cpp). The GUI (in the "run" method) passes control to GTK via gtk_main(), which will take care of displaying it's window and call the "advance_movie" method periodically. It will not exit before the application should be terminated (gtk_quit() probably). advance_movie() itself advances the root movie (MC) by one frame. The parameter of server/movie_instance.cpp:advance() is a float which I don't understand why. There are a bunch of stacked advanceXXXX() calls but generally a frame advace would always be 1.0. Maybe floats are required for tweening where it would make sense, but I haven't checked this. Anyway, movie_interface::advance() probably has the following (unchecked) tasks: - update the display list (that is, what is visible on the screen) according to the new frame - apply tweening - process ActionScript code - define the current viewport? It then calls display() of the root movie (movie_root class). That method calls begin_display() of the renderer class and passes the current viewport, the background color and the frame (=stage) size. The renderer normally clears the framebuffer by filling the viewport with the background color. Then the more generic display() method (of movie_interface, or more exactly sprite_instance) is called, which draws the display list and finally end_display() is told to the renderer class to commit the current frame. More on the display() method in the next section! Then gui::renderBuffer() is called, which again is located in gtk.cpp and passes the call to glue::render(), which in the case of the Cairo backend does nothing. This may be a function that can be used to swap a double buffer or tell something to acceleration hardware but it seems that it's just a duplicate for end_display(), except that the call goes through the GUI and so may be used to blit the frame buffer on screen or something... NOTE: This function probably could be very useful for the AGG backend. The backend would render the frame the same way for any platform / WM combination. The GUI then takes the finished frame buffer and blits it to the hardware framebuffer (/dev/fb0), to some X window, or Windows GDI handle, or whatever. This last step would fit well into renderBuffer() directly. Rendering / Sprite instances ---------------------------- Back to the sprite_instance::display() method. The sprite_instance class holds information for any existing (visible and invisible) sprite on the stage. In the Flash world this would be a MovieClip (MC) which itself can contain other MCs and stateful information such as ActionScript variables. The root MC is basically a sprite too, just like any MC has it's own timeline. sprite_instance class inheritance: ref_counted (server/ref_counted.h) | as_object (server/as_object.h) | movie_interface (server/movie_interface.h) | movie (server/movie.h) | character (server/character.h) | sprite_instance (server/sprite_instance.h) The sprite contains a member "m_display_list" which is of type "DisplayList" (defined in server/dlist.h). This is the display list of the sprite, that is, what "characters" the sprite itself does contain. Each character has it's own "depth" which defines the order of which the characters have to be displayed. No two characters can be at the same depth. sprite_instance::display() passes the call to display_list::display() which goes through the list of characters and calls their own display() method. Since MCs can contain mask layers the sprite may inform the renderer about it. Basically, before a character of a mask is rendered (the mask "begins"), the method renderer::begin_submit_mask() is called. Then normal rendering operations follow until the mask is confirmed with renderer::end_submit_mask(). This enables the mask which remains active until render::disable_mask() is called. Say, we have a rectangle A partially masked by circle B and a triangle C that does not have a mask (above it). This should work as follows: 1. renderer::begin_submit_mask() 2. circle B is drawn 3. renderer::end_submit_mask() --> the mask is now a circle 4. rectangle A is drawn, using the mask 5. render::disable_mask() --> mask not required anymore 6. triangle C is drawn normally The way how the specific character (which may be a MC of it's own) is being drawen depends on the character type (see following sections). Outlines and shapes ------------------- The file server/shape.h contains a few classes that are drawing primitives (curves, shapes, ...). The'yre created while parsing the SWF file. When a line or curve is read from the SWF file it is being handled by server/parser/shape_character_def.cpp It's read() method first loads the fill and line style. For a simple outline, there would be no fill. Then it reads the actual shape records. NOTE: Any shape (being it filled or not) begins in the SWF file with the definiton of the fill styles, followed by the line styles and finally the edges that define the shape itself. Along the edges path the previously defined styles may be selected at any position. Any shape consists of straight lines and/or curves. So read(): - calls read_fill_styles() to read all the necessary fill styles of the shape - calls read_line_styles() to do the same for the line styles - reads the number of bits used for indexing fill and line styles later on - loads the shape definition and stores it in the "current_path" variable The current_path variable (of type "path") contains a list of objects of type "edge". Straight lines are also stored as curves, whose control point equals the anchor point. So, the path only contains a list of curves! At the end the current_path is added to the class' "m_paths" vector. The display() method of the class takes care that the path of the shape is converted to a valid "mesh", that is a set of straight lines. This mesh is also stored in some sort of cache so that it does not have to be re-calculated when it's not necessary (important speed optimization). Of course these straight lines are an approximation of the curves and so the display() method keeps track of the error. If it raises a certain tolerance, then the mesh needs to be recalculated. This may be necessary when the total transformation matrix changes noticeably, for example when resizing a sprite. The class "mesh_set" takes care of this (more on this later). Regardless of whether the mesh has been loaded from cache or just recalculated, it's own display() method is called to render it. When new mashes have been calculated the complete cache is resorted so that the best mashes (smallest error) are found at the beginning and unused mashes are removed. Mash sets / Tesselator ---------------------- Now, this is somewhat complicated... Simple outlines (including curves) are converted to a list of straight lines called "line strips". These line strips still have their style (width, color, pattern) so it's up to the renderer to draw them correctly. NOTE: Since straight lines are also "curves" here (see previous section), they are still treated as such. [UNCHECKED] That means a simple line is split into a number of smaller lines, each at the same angle. In fact, you won't notice that it isn't a single line. This explains why the start-/endpoints of these line sections have logarithmically increasing distances. This may be something that can be optimized simply by comparing the control and anchor points (when they're equal, then draw a single straight line and nothing more). The file parser/shape.cpp may be patched in method "path::tesselate()" using add_line_segment() instead of add_curve_segment() when the is_straight() function of the edge returns true. Filled shapes, however, need to be converted into triangles so that they can be rendered. The process of converting any polygon to a set of triangles is called "tesselation". There are different tesselation algorithms and apparently the tesselator used in GameSWF/Gnash is a class of it's own. However, for an introduction see the Seidel's Algorithm at (Note I'm not a graphics specialist, I just did some research.) Irrespective of the variant all tesselators work basically in the following way: First the polygon is divided into trapezoids. Pratically they are quadrilaterals with exactly horizontal upper and lower sides. Somewhat like this: ------------------------------- / \ / \ / \ ------------------------------------------ It may happen that the trapezoid is actually a triangle (when two corners of the trapezoid are identical). Each one of these trapezoids is split into two triangles by cutting it from the upper right to the lower left or vice-versa. ------------------------------- / ...........\ / ............ \ /........... \ ------------------------------------------ It should not be complicated to fill a simple rectangle (at least with a solid color). NOTE: The Anti Grain Gravity (AGG) engine brings it's own tesselator, which works very well (including anti-aliasing) so we should bypass the GameSWF tesselator completely and let AGG do the work. The "mesh_set" class (defined in server/shape.cpp) does the transformation right in the constructor. Inside the constructor, "collect_traps", a descendant of "trapezoid_acceptor", is defined. The trapezoid acceptor is a class that accepts a number of "trapezoid" instances. Line strips (used for outlines) are simply copied to the mesh. NOTE: The drawing of outlines is completely left up to the renderer. That's strange because an outline actually is also a shape (think of a line that's 200 points thick). However, that's not a problem with AGG since it can draw lines of all styles very well and after all that already works in the test renderer. Filled shapes, however, are converted to trapezoids, which are passed to a "tri_stripper" class which simply generates the triangles out of them. NOTE: The arguments to add_trapezoid() are simple the four points of the trapezoid: upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right. Probably the coordinates of the trapezoid can be upside-down. The tri_stripper class can hold a list of triangles and is itself contained in a list called "m_strips" that contains tri_strippers for each style used. A mesh set is generated out of each tri_stripper (based on the triangles) which is later fed to the renderer. Drawing mesh sets ----------------- The mesh set is given as-is to the renderer who is responsibe of actually drawing them. Refer to - mesh_set::display() - mesh::display() -end of current version-