Hi Robert,
Here my report:
* - Put vmlinux and initrd.gz in a USB disk (in the example I used ext2)
- Get to pmon2000 prompt and type:
load /dev/fs/address@hidden/vmlinux
initrd /dev/fs/address@hidden/initrd.gz
g console=tty no_auto_cmd
- Follow installation process in D-I.
Debian Installer:
Error #1: "Partition disks":
Message: "Logical Volume Manager not available"
Action: "Continue"
Step : "Partition disks" / Partition method
Option: "Manual"
Selection: #4 primary
Use as: "Ext3..."
Format the partition: "yes..."
Mount point: "/"
Bootable flag: "off"
"Done setting up the partition"
Selection: #2 swap
"Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"
"Write the changes to disk?": "Yes"
Messagebox: "Configuring linux-image-"
Message: "Create a symbolic link to the current kernel image"
Selection: "Yes"
Messaage: "Do you want to abort now?"
Selection: "No"
Messagebox: "Continue without boot loader"
Selection: "Continue"
Boot methode #1 from PMON2000 prompt:
load /dev/fs/address@hidden/boot/vmlinux-
g console=tty no_auto_cmd root=/dev/hda4
Result: error0
Boot methode #2 with boot.cfg:
title GNewSense mips-l - hda4
kernel (wd0,3)/boot/vmlinux-
args console=tty root=/dev/hda4 no_auto_cmd
title GNewSense mips-l - hda4
kernel /dev/fs/address@hidden/boot/vmlinux-
args console=tty root=/dev/hda4 no_auto_cmd
Error message: "The selected kernel entry is wrong. System will try default
entry from a1"
Quoting Robert Millan <address@hidden>:
I rolled a new netboot image, and corrected a number of issues in the
What we have now:
- tasksel didn't work (package selection wasn't automatically installed).
It's quite messy to work with tasksel anyway, so I got rid of it, and
now use preseeding for package selection instead.
- wireless was mistakenly disabled by deblob, fixed now (thanks to DJB
Clark for pointing it out).
- renamed distroname (lenny -> mipsel-l)
- fixed a few package conflicts.
Note: I experienced stability problems that sometimes brought Linux down when
performing a full (+desktop) install. Therefore the desktop components are
not enabled by default, you have to install them manually afterwards:
apt-get install gnewsense-pkgsel-desktop
Note2: for those who already installed with an older version, the current
for sources.list are:
deb http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-mipsel-l/pruned-upstream mipsel-l
deb http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-mipsel-l/pruned-upstream-security
mipsel-l main
deb http://archive.gnewsense.org/gnewsense-mipsel-l/overlay mipsel-l main
Robert Millan
The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when (and
how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
still allow you to remove your data and not access it at all."
How much time did the D-I process cost? I came across a long time pasue at the "select and install
software", which is 91% of it. And I met all the messages you metioned except the ones after reboot,
since I have stopped at the 91% of the "select and install software", which says "preparing
dpkg-dev". thanks.
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