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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] gNewSense update: app-install-data-commercial

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] gNewSense update: app-install-data-commercial
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 21:09:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090711)

Karl Goetz schreef:
So far app-install-data-commercial hasn't been automatically removed from the systems that have it because it's still listed in the
package index (although the package files themselves have been
removed). So a way to solve this bug would be to add the package to
the repo again, along with a fixed version (one that does the same in
post-removal as in post-install). Then after a while, when we can
assume that everyone got the update, the package can be removed
properly from the repo, so that it gets removed cleanly from the
affected computers.

Re-introducing the package so it only performs the list removals could
be a workable option.

You mean removing the current packages and adding our own package with the same name and a bumped version but without payload, that only serves to counteract the effects of the original package? Very interesting idea. I bet it's not even as hard as it sounds to fit it into Builder. But I could be wrong. :)

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