Thanks for the answer.
By the way, i'm not sure how i should answer on mailing lists... Sorry, i'm
not used to it (i've always been afraid of polluting my mailbox). Should i
answer only to gnewsense-dev, or both, as i do now?
Concerning parkes, you got the point. I use gnewsense since some time now,
but being a very old debian addict i was looking for the same based on
debian instead of ubuntu.
I discovered metad was not maintained anymore and so i started to make my
own distrib, until i heard about parkes.
So, long story short, instead of making my own distrib, i prefer working on
a project that already have some maturity and active members.
As for my skills... Well, c++, php, html, bash, perl, system
I also know a little (or more) about python, javascript, c, asm, zsh,
network administration, network/system security...
I'm using linux since about 10 years now, and use all my free time for
coding various stuff, often useless :) (or not?).
My ultimate goal is to make a distrib i could use in my camping-car (is that
the right word in english?), that means intuitive interface on one or
several touch-screens, providing easy accessibility to multimedia (video,
audio, photos...), net (wifi, browser..), communication (social sites
interface, chat, voip...), gps...
So, where do i start? Any bzr or other kind of bts from where i could get