A link of this page should be provided in the "Join the gNewSense
Community" page
(http://www.gnewsense.org/Main/JoingNewSense#MailingLists ) under the
Mailing Lists section. It looks like I don't have the required
permission to edit the page. Therefore can you give the link of the
"Help on Mailing List" page under the Mailing List section of the
The content that should be added is this (text inside the pair of
dotted lines):
== Help on Mailing Lists ==
If your not familiar with subscribing to {{{mailing lists}}}, skim
through the [[HelpOnMailingLists]] page to get acquainted.
The above text must go under the Mailing List section of this page :
http://www.gnewsense.org/Main/JoingNewSense . Any one here who has
the permission to edit this very page may add the