Op Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:01:49 +0100
schreef Stig Atle Steffensen <address@hidden>:
I'm compiling now, and I'm at the exact same error as you.
Interesting. Thanks for testing.
By the way - it seems like that error is common, and most replies
tells you to set the linker flag -
I also found that. But the thing with packages is that they should just
build on the distro they're made for. Normally you just send the source
package off to a build environment and out come your binaries some time
later. Since Debian has binaries for this source package they were able
to build it as it is.
My first guess was that my build environment wasn't properly up to
date, but I got the same result after explicitly updating. Seeing as
you have the same error, the cause is probably in one of the other
packages we modify for gNewSense and that may be a bug. I haven't yet
figured out which package that would be.
I wanted to dig around and find where we need to add this to what
we're trying to compile first and start at that end.
If this is caused by a bug in another package, then we should fix that.
If there's no bug, then we should add the linker flag (and still try to
find out why that is needed).
Currently I use http://anjuta.org/ as IDE, since you can easily
import \ build in it.
What do you use for this?
I use Vim for editing and the various packaging tools for building.
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