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Re: [gNewSense-users] IMPORTANT: Formating error with the script

From: Christophe Jarry
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] IMPORTANT: Formating error with the script & Problems with the
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:18:18 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)

Hi Marco,

I've modified some things in the script, following suggestions of Bake Simmons.
Il giorno dom, 16/03/2008 alle 23.51 +0800, Christophe Jarry ha scritto:
Hi Marco,

 Did you copy the script directly in the 
directory you were working on? 

yes, i did
You should not as the script name will be in the table created by the script.
 But one point is, if we remove the '$RELATIVE_PATH' from the final url, 
this could create conflicts between urls as in 
'Ubuntu-hardy-linux-2-6-24-mm', which could be pointed by different 
hyperlinks (as pointed by Bake Timmons).

ah, maybe this is the cause
I don't follow you here. You shouldn't delete the $RELATIVE_PATH from the url, because we need it to differentiate all the 'mm' or 'i2c' named file (for exemple) contained in the Kernel.
 I'm sorry, I don't know how to solve this... I saw that your path 
contained linux_2.6.24-8.13, this means that you're not using the same 
version of the Linux Kernel as me. I'm using the 'linux-2.6.24' which 
name has to be written in the script in the $LINUX_FOLDER_NAME variable. 
Maybe it's the problem.

above all, if my final formatted table is like this:

Ubuntu-hardy-video1394.h]]||NEEDS ADOPTING||?||1||0%||0%||N/A||?||

is salfesame good?
The formatting should be like this:

||[[wiki:Kernel/Ubuntu-hardy-linux-2-6-24--drivers--ieee1394--video1394-h|Ubuntu-hardy-video1394.h]]||NEEDS ADOPTING||?||1||0%||0%||N/A||?||

with a '--drivers--ieee1394' part in the url.
 Keep me informed of the results of those manipulations,

(the lines above is the result)

Thank you

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