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[gNewSense-users] Non-free firmware

From: briareoh
Subject: [gNewSense-users] Non-free firmware
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:40:45 +0200

Hi all

I've found some files suspected to be non-free. They're in the
drivers/usb/serial/ and named as "keyspan_xxx_fw.h"
Their "licence" says:
                [...]Permission is hereby granted for the distribution
                of this firmware 
        image as part of a Linux or other Open Source operating system kernel 
        in text or binary form as required. 

        This firmware may not be modified and may only be used with  
        Keyspan hardware.  Distribution and/or Modification of the 
        keyspan.c driver which includes this firmware, in whole or in 
        part, requires the inclusion of this statement."

AFAIK this is restrictive software, so non-free.
There is another firmware file wich licence looks like above. It's
in /drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h. It says:

                 * The firmware contained herein is Copyright (c)
                1999-2002 Emagic
                 * as an unpublished work. This notice does not imply
                 * or public access to this firmware which is a trade
                secret of Emagic,
                 * and which may not be reproduced, used, sold or
                transferred to
                 * any third party without Emagic's written consent. All
                Rights Reserved.
                 * This firmware may not be modified and may only be
                used with the
                 * Emagic EMI 2|6 Audio Interface. Distribution and/or
                Modification of
                 * any driver which includes this firmware, in whole or
                in part,
                 * requires the inclusion of this statement.
I'll raise a bug.

My GnuPG key: B2A889ED
Import my key: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B2A889ED
Fingerprint: 60E3 F0A2 C40F AC0D 4BCF 5AE4 39A8 F908 B2A8 89ED

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente

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